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November 17, 2011

Super Committee Looking for Places to Cut the Federal Budget - Census on the Chopping Block

It is truly amazing how much money was spent on the census in the US in 2010. In fact, I was quite bothered by the results, because the data was obviously skewed and incorrect. As a businessperson I follow all the statistics from the federal government, because I know it helps me make decisions.

Even though I am retired now from the franchising industry, I often consult small businesses and startups and therefore I need access to that information. Quite frankly if the government can't do a better job, at a better price, collecting this information, then maybe they shouldn't do it at all. Okay so let's talk about this for a second shall we.

Currently, corporations in America have far more data than the US government when it comes to the demographics of the US. Not only that, but by the time they go through your social networking page, and all the other data available, they know more about you than a burglar might learn burglarizing your home and going through all your personal files. Seriously, and we all know that's true, so let's not kid ourselves.

Recently, on Halloween 2011 there was a rather spooky article in the Wall Street Journal. The article was titled; "U.S. Census Confronts Budget Ax," by Ben Casselman. The article stated;

"Washington politicians often battle over what economic statistics mean and what to do about them. Now, they are fighting about the statistics themselves. The House Appropriations Committee didn't explicitly cut the 2012 economic senses; the panel cut President Barack Obama's proposal of a $1 billion census budget to only 855 million."

Now then, there's an obvious solution to this problem, and there is a way to get better data and better results, and more statistically reliable reporting by merely hiring the US post office which is also in debt to do the census for the government. After all the US postal workers already go to every house, and they pretty much have a good idea who lives there. Secondly, no one hates their postal person, and chances are the citizens won't lie to them when filling out the form.

Not only that people can fill out the form and leave it in their mailbox and the post office can pick it up, or folks can just drop it in the mail. That solves two birds with one stone and helps the U.S. Postal Service with their incredible budget problems. Why is it that people in Washington can figure this out? It's such a simple fix. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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