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November 11, 2011

Sabotaging Your Success In Life

Talking about success with some people recently. We concluded that success encompasses such a wide array of things in our life.

Success has different meaning to different people. Some look for financial success, some look for personal success, others look for relationship success. Whichever one they are looking for, success just eludes them. These people are always chasing after success in life, but can't get it.

Do you know that some people have the tendency to sabotage their success in life? They create incidents to get themselves diving off from the success cliff into the valley of thorns. They love to have success, they want to achieve success, they are chasing it every minute of their life. But they are infected with a virus which is getting in the way on their pathway to success.

What Virus Is This?

I call it the Sabo (short for sabotage) Virus. It lingers in some people, feeds on its host and waits for an opportunity to strike. What are the symptoms of being infected by Sabo Virus?

Here's the checklist:
Do you have difficulty breathing success?Do you feel any chest pain while running towards your dreams?Do you have hallucination of growing up means experiencing pain?Do you get headache when life get too routine?

And lastly, very importantly,

5. Do all of the above relapse over and over again?

If you answer "Yes" to all of the above, get help fast, you may have been infected by Sabo Virus.

How Do We Develop Sabo Virus?

It was developed since young from your past experiences, things you've seen, heard or feel. You created a message from these experiences. And that message becomes your operating manual. That message could be the Sabo Virus.

I followed my dad to a morning jog when I was 6. I fell and was badly bruised. My dad being encouraging said, "it's ok to fall, you'll grow up stronger."

I was infected with Sabo Virus from that day on.

This was one of the incidents that planted Sabo Virus in me. There are many more similar experiences.

How Did That Statement Affect My Life?

For many years in my life, I experienced falling down when I was at the peak. Sabo Virus will strike during my peak, so that I can grow stronger. And when I reach another peak, Sabo Virus strikes again.

Sabo Virus comes in many different forms. Another form is "I am motivated and driven when I'm struggling." In this form, Sabo Virus creates breakdowns when you are almost at the peak to prevent you from success. From this struggle, instead of giving up you gain motivation and drive to climb the next peak. And just before you reach success in life, this form of Sabo Virus sabotage you again.

For this group of people, reaching their dreams is always a dream. Because when they are almost there, they fall back down.

Being aware of your Sabo Virus starts the change process. Being aware that you have the virus breaks that cycle of self sabotaging. Being aware opens you to choices that allows you to act and decide from a place where it's not self sabotaging anymore.

Being aware provides you with the ability to declare. Declare that you are cured form the virus, you are free from this self-sabotaging cycle. It gets you to having the power to choose. This leads to freedom in life.

Practice noticing where you are acting from. Do you act from self-sabotaging or your own power? Once you get to awareness, Sabo Virus dissipates.

You may like to start by recalling what incidents imprint a virus in you. You gain awareness from there.

Lee Joe is a coach, trainer and speaker in the area of motivating behaviour, He has been training since 2003, inspired more than 10,000 lives so far. He trains in the modules like team development, presentation skills and mindset transformation.

His one-to-one coaching has deliver great results for his clients, supporting them in achieving their desired outcome. He helps clients to discover an accelerated way of achieving results. In that process, he gets the clients to see who they are, how they can be happy in life. Visit to learn how his clients benefited from his coaching.

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