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November 23, 2011

Does The US Place Enough Emphasis on Education?

There are endless numbers of people who claim that we don't place enough emphasis on education in the United States. However, we spend more in the United States per student than just about anyone else in the world. Perhaps we aren't allocating our resources properly into the classroom, rather we are spending so much money on political correctness and administration. I'd say as a taxpayer we are spending too much on education, and we are not getting what we're paying for. Indeed I'd like to discuss this with you for a moment.

Okay so, is the charge really true that; the US does not place enough emphasis on education?

You see, I think we place plenty of emphasis on education. In fact, it seems like often that's all we talk about. If kids want to learn, they will, if they don't, they won't. There's no sense in throwing good money after bad, where someone like me who has no kids paying huge amounts of taxes to educate everyone else's kids.

Besides that, what we are teaching kids in the classroom, we don't necessarily teach them the things they really need to know like financial literacy, the real history, capitalism, and things that will really affect their lives and careers. It appears to me that so often we are just turning all of our students in elementary school, junior high, high school, and college into a bunch of socialists, complaining about everything, and demanding more free stuff, then they go and vote and look what happens, it's just ridiculous.

If that's what our school system is creating, we don't need it, it's a net negative for the future of our country. If asking for more emphasis on our school system is only going to promote more socialism and political correctness, I'm not sure that's wise for the ongoing viability of this great nation.

I'd say we place plenty of emphasis on education in the United States, but I would say we are not so great at allocating the resources into the right places. Now then if we are talking about emphasis on education from the family perspective, then it is quite possible that American families are not pushing their kids hard enough to learn. But that wouldn't be the school systems fault, nor should be my problem as a taxpayer.

Lastly, throwing more good money after bad into our school system is probably the wrong way to play it because there is a total divergence of what our schools should teach, and how they should teach it. Emphasis on our school system and the amount of tax dollars funneled into our school system are not mutually exclusive. And we must separate the two to have this debate and discussion. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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