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November 19, 2011

What Is Happening to Our Wildlife?

Though it is not known by the general public, plant and animal species are disappearing at a startling rate. Every 9 months a vertebrate species (animal with a backbone) becomes extinct. In relevance to the past, this is quite unusual. It used to be common for a species to become extinct every 1,000 years. There are 25,000 species of plants that are currently threatened with extinction. Now, before we continue it must be made clear the different types of extinctions.

Natural Extinctions

In the past, all extinctions were primarily natural extinctions. This means that the old species evolved into the new species.

True Extinctions

Current extinctions are primarily true extinctions. This means that the old species did not get to evolve into a new species, and did not get to pass on its legacy.

True extinctions are a result of a number of things: Habitat degradation, alien species, pollution and over-exploitation. One primary cause of habitat degradation is industrialization due to the resources it requires which inevitably leads to deforestation. An alien species is any species transported from its native habitat to a new habitat, usually disrupting the balanced ecosystem, causing extinctions. Pollution is created from humans harming all areas of life. Exploitation is the most direct cause of extinction; this is the killing of animals or plants primarily for the trade, use or distribution of their parts, however sometimes it is done in an act of sport. For example, a rhino horn is worth about $25,000 in Asia because it is considered an aphrodisiac. In addition to these, 1 billion birds are killed each year from collisions with car windshields. There is one thing in common about these contributing factors; they are all human induced. With this being so, we as humans, have the power to correct this wickedness.

Endangered species are species in danger of becoming extinct. Threatened species are species in danger of becoming endangered. Currently 37% of freshwater fish are threatened; 36% of amphibians are threatened; 33% of flowering plants are threatened; 19% of butterflies are threatened; 18% of reptiles are threatened; 16% of mammals are threatened; and 14% of birds are threatened. Among these, the most publicly known species are pandas, blue whales, tigers and chimps. For a list of all endangered species in the world visit

The highest extinction rates occurring in the United States are in California, Hawaii, Texas and Florida.

To become educated on the reasons behind the causes of extinction visit

We may start by incorporating native plants into our gardens to ensure their survival. We must also not use pesticides. Recycling reduces our impact on the environment and the need for deforestation. Use decals on our windows to reduce bird collision deaths. Drive slow to reduce roadkill numbers. All of these are small contributions to a large cause, and it is prudent for the well being of our planet that we all partake in them.

We must apply the golden rule not only to each other, but mother nature as well.

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