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November 25, 2011

7 Tips on How to Work Your Hearts Purpose

Have you ever asked yourself; "what is my purpose?" You might even be wondering why on earth you are here? Well, I tell you it is such a privilege to have an opportunity to live in this place called earth and you have been placed here to work your purpose. Cherish every moment by taking advantage of each of your opportunities and begin to soar in your purpose. You are here for a wonderful reason and now it's your time to move forward.

First, you must consider how many projects you are working on right now and bring some order to them. How much time are you spending for each of them, and is it time well spent?

Second, call your projects to order, front and center. Decide which one deserves your full undivided attention and benefit you the most right now?

Third, make a list of each of your projects on a separate piece of paper. I just believe by following these instructions your life could take off right away.

Fourth, validate each project by prioritizing them in order of importance. Please ponder your path to assure accurate steps. You must make sure it is a passion of yours and not something you're just interested in. You must clear each project with your heart. Now, get ready for takeoff. Don't worry so much about the finances needed to fund your project. When things are in alignment, the universe will gravitate towards you with everything needed to fulfill every need.

Fifth, working on multiple projects at the same time might work well. Or, maybe you are one that can only do one major project at a time. Whatever the case might be you must choose wisely by placing each project in order of importance.

Sixth, this is very important, if there are any projects that were assigned to you out of obligation by someone else you might have to let them go! Stay focused on what your heart chooses. I understand that often times on our jobs, we are forced to do things that we might not agree with. I'm talking about your projects that you are working on for your destiny. I view life as a long journey with many destinations. It's encouraging to know that we arrive at our destinations sometimes...Project Complete!

Seventh, now work it! Without procrastination, or reservation, begin to find true happiness within. Out of your heart will flow rivers of inspiration which will allow creativity to flow from you in its deepest sense. Remember purpose is our hearts cry.

Cynthia Brooks is an entrepreneur at heart and enjoys coaching other entrepreneurs by getting them off the side lines of life into the game. She invites you to view some great articles and resource information on and

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