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November 19, 2011

Root Causes of Violence According to Stefan Molyneux Involve Our Habits of Justifying Spanking

Violence is MOSTLY manifested physically by men, through aggression, war, sports, which are legitimated violence with rules. Violence is mostly manifested symbolically by women, through symbolic violence, i.e., bullying, gossiping, judgmental speech. However, both men and women begin being either symbolically and/or physically violent as a result of being subjected to negative "discipline": spanking, being yelled at, etc., when they are small children, or even when they are infants. This is an uncomfortable fact that most people want to deny, and, as a result, Stefan Molyneux, founder of, and others like him are often demonized and called cult leaders.

Those who agree with Stefan Molyneux, and others who point to society and culture itself as the root of all evil (Molyneux points out that the first syllable of the word "culture" IS CULT) are often censored, taken out of context, etc., for telling the truth because the truth makes people uncomfortable. The truth is that we all are part of the problem of supporting violence unless we are part of the solution, namely we need to all work hard on finding solutions to violence instead of just theorizing about alternatives we need to put these alternatives into practice each and every day. In other words, if we maintain that there HAS to be violence, then we justify, and excuse the existence of violence.

Stefan Molyneux puts his theory that there is always a CHOICE to avoid being violent, into action with his raising of his 2 year old child. He ALWAYS speaks to her with a quiet tone, instead of EVER raising his voice. Of, course spanking is out of the question for Stefan Molyneux. Stefan Molyneux has chosen to DE(part from his own)FOO (FAMILY OF ORIGIN). Thus the abbreviation of "FOO" for "family of origin and "to DE-FOO" became his terminology for HIMSELF, and himself alone! He used this term in his writing and in his speeches and, without his willing it to be so, others adopted the term for their own choices of behavior involving leaving their own families of origin that they believed to be toxic.

Some family members that refused to believe that they themselves were toxic, denied that they were toxic, etc., decided to deal with their family members who left them, by saying that their family members were brainwashed into doing so and the term Stefan Molyneux used for a DESCRIPTION of what he did was used to be proof that Stefan Molyneux had a cult when, in fact Stefan Molyneux is merely trying to become free from the biggest cult of all and for all times: CULTURE! He rightly avoids toxic people and I do likewise, and unfortunately there are an abundance of people, way beyond a majority, that are, and most unfortunately of all, want to REMAIN toxic. These people are addicted to what others have called "the pornification of force."

B. Todish can be reached at

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