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November 16, 2011

How to Swim With Pink Dolphins?

Perhaps, pink dolphins are one of the most fascinated and majestic mammals in the sea. They are not merely just beautiful to look at, but also very smart and interesting to observe. Pink dolphins reside in the fresh waters of South America. They are live in the Orinoco and Atabapo rivers of Venezuela; Amazon River in Brazil and Peru, and Beni River in Brazil and Bolivia. They are also present in the waters of Rio Negro, Rio Tapajos and Rio Solimoes.

These dolphins feed alone unlike their counterparts in the sea which hunt and feed in a groups known as pods. Their favored locations for feeding are flooded forests and the shallow lakes.

The characteristic feature which gives them their name is their color. These mammals have a pink underbelly, while the dorsal side is either gray or light gray in color. Sometimes, the dolphin can be completely pink on the dorsal as well as the ventral side. Amongst all the dolphin species, pink dolphins are considered to be most friendly. They are playful and can be seen frolicking with other marine animals, such as turtles and fish. They also seem to enjoy human contact and tend to approach humans when they are in the vicinity.

Swimming with pink dolphins is a thriving business in most coasts where these mammals inhabit. This gives people a chance to see these intelligent creatures and also swim alongside them. Most dolphin sanctuaries in Thailand and the Amazonian basins offer this experience to inquisitive tourists.

Because pink dolphins are delicate and sensitive animals, a swimmer should be clothed in a way not to scratch the dolphins with sharp edges, such as zippers on clothing, jewelry, sharp edged objects in the pocket or glasses. Even toenails and finger nails should be clipped, so that the risk of inadvertently scratching the dolphins is removed. Another advice is to slide into the water rather than jumping or diving. This will prevent the dolphins from getting frightening and swimming away. Make sure that you are accompanied by a trained dolphin guide, who will instruct you on how to approach and interact with the dolphins.

One of the best ways to swim with these lovable mammals is by getting in touch with organizations that are involved in the conservation and preservation of these mammals. These organizations help people to understand the facts about pink dolphins and the threats to their existence. The organizations use the income generated by visitors to care for the dolphins and protect their natural habitat.

In Thailand, Oasis Sea World located in Chantaburi offers the exciting opportunity to swim with pink dolphins. In Peru, you can visit one of the locations of the International Society for Preservation of Tropical Rain Forests to get into freshwater bodies to have a close encounter with these dolphins. Along the Yarapa River, you can visit the Dolphin Corners for an adventurous swim with pink dolphins. The charges are economical, ranging from $500 to $1,500 per person, depending on the number of days a person would like to go out swimming.

About Author:
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in animal and pets. He also offers top quality articles like:
Pink Dolphin Enemies, Protect Pink Dolphin

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