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November 22, 2011

Let's Call for a Strike By Secret Ballot - What to Do About Iran

Well, I see that employees can now vote by secret ballot if they'd like to form a union at a company, and therefore take it over, hold it all for ransom, and perhaps change the entire dynamics of a business that's many decades old. Well, if employees can vote by secret ballot, why can't the U.S. Congress do the same thing when it comes to the proper solution for Iran?

It is amazing to me how many articles I've seen in the various national newspapers, and how many segments on TV with regards to Iran's nuclear weapons program. You see this has been going on for over 10 years, and all the suddenly the media is interested in it again. Why is that you ask? Is Israel and their influences in the global media behind some of this? Is the Obama Administration finally ready to act and get serious about it, and therefore they are planting stories in the media?

Is it the Republicans and the GOP, as they realize this is also a campaign issue, and that since the Obama Administration has faltered on their duty to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, that they are pushing and prodding the media to do more stories on this? Is it Iran its self which is getting giddy because it's getting so close to having their first nuclear weapon that they are suddenly emboldened to talk about it?

Is the kingdom of Saudi Arabia making waves through the back door of the Obama Administration to get the US to do something; increase sanctions, or even do a preemptive strike? Is it all of these things and are people just now realizing that the IAEA report, the NIE, and the UN have finally come to terms that the international community has reached the end of the line in their diplomatic efforts, and realize we've reached political impasse? It seems to me that it is some of all of these things, and each side probably has their own agenda and point.

Foreign Affairs had an interesting article in it the other day titled; "Why Obama Should Take Out Iran's Nuclear Program - The Case for Striking Before It's Too Late" by Eric S. Edleman, Andrew F. Krepinevich Jr. and Evan Braden Montgomery which was published on November 9, 2011. Amongst many other key points of contention and factors the article noted;

"The closer Iran gets to acquiring nuclear weapons, the fewer options will be available to stop its progress. At the same time, Iran's incentives to back down will only decrease as it approaches the nuclear threshold. Given these trends, the United States faces the difficult decision of using military force soon to prevent Iran from going nuclear, or living with a nuclear Iran and the regional fallout."

Even the RAND Think Tank came out with a new report just the other day on what to do about the situation calling for sanctions of the central bank, and the challenges of a preemptive strike by the US, Israel, and reciprocal responses from Iran or vice versa.

The reality is this is a very serious issue and it's time to do something about it. If the Obama Administration cannot make a decision (voting present), then maybe they are unfit to lead, and in essence, and I hate to go so far as to say this, but in some regards they are; aiding and abetting the enemy for their failure to protect the United States, our troops in the region, our allies and partners, and our interests. Seriously, shouldn't we be thinking here?

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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