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November 14, 2011

December 2012, A Halloween Nightmare Comes True - Zombie Armageddon, A 2011 Halloween Trick

Among all the fears that humanity has experienced, like all the real nightmares of economic meltdown, governmental corruption, war, social crisis of all kinds, and greed, the final phase of human existence in this world finally came along. It is true that every single one of us become who we are with the help of the experiences we undergo. Sadly, this experiences are fear, greed, and corruption, not the best experiences to form virtuous citizens.

That is how the last days of humanity came by in the year 2012. Five years earlier an imminent collapse of social economy was beginning to unfold, without much attention from those who were in power. Power is a strange and dangerous determination of human nature it involves grid corruption and soulless acts. That was the case during the last year of people on planet earth. Greed and passion drove the pharmaceutical companies to meet with the purpose of persuading the consumer into using the latest and extraordinarily expensive product. This remedy brought a commitment to stop every health problem and age problem from the human condition, and give us eternal life. Everyone went crazy for this new capsule as it has been an overwhelming desire to live forever and in health. People did whatever they can to get and use this medication and even tried it to bring the dead back to life.

It started little at a time, a few strange encounters with soulless creatures that brought about new death corpses. Time passed and soon a bunch of death copses with particularly strong sense of smell and blood lust appear every where in every city and small town around the world. Countries have little knowledge about zombie creatures or about citizen protection from a zombie attack. The militia was ready for action, but this conflict and trial presentation was never seen before. How do one kill a zombie? They are already death!. People tried every defense that came to mind. Fire drowning explosions were used to suppress the zombie army never attacking the source of the problem.

Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical companies, kept on making billions, buying governments and exterminating people from the face of the earth. Zombies surrounded Citizens there was no place to go. Few living souls were hiding in abandoned buildings. In the end, little food and water supplies will force them to face the jiang shi. The holy people prayed for Rapture. Just a few inhabitants were alive around December 2012. They knew that Rapture needed to happen then. So it did rapture finally happened, about 20 living humans with no sign of zombie disease no signs of Immortal medication in their system were taken into the outer space with the assumption that they will experience inception back into Earth later, after a much needed cleansing toke place. The people who were rapture had a mark on the arm and forehead, the mark was a serial of numbers that read-12-25-2012-666 no one never knew what the last tree digits stood for. They are still waiting for inception.

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