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November 17, 2011

Cashing In and Cashing Out

The last senatorial election caused the balance of power in congress to shift. Instead of having a democratic president with a democratic congress, we now have roughly a fifty-fifty mixture. Perhaps we have a few more republicans than democrats.

In theory this sounds good. A republican congress to keep the democratic president in line. And a democratic president to keep the republicans in check. It sounds pretty good when put like that. But what this really means for our country is a stale mate.

The republicans disagree with the democrats and vice versa. This makes it hard for them to get anything done. Bills don't get passed because each side is too busy arguing with the other. So things just stay the way they are.

Right now we are in an economic recession. In 2008 we elected President Barack Obama in the hopes that he would bring about the change he promised. It has now been three years and our economy still isn't much better than it was when he was elected. And with the way he and congress are bickering back and forth it probably won't change anytime soon.

Since we are stuck in a bad economy, we might as well take advantage of it. Stocks right now are cheaper than they have been in a long time. We can buy these stocks up at a low price and then sell them for a hefty profit when the market recovers.

People are afraid to invest though because we have heard that investing in the stock market is dangerous. They are afraid that they will lose their money as many people have done. But the key here is to invest your money wisely.

Rene Rivkin asks a very important question. "When buying shares, ask yourself, would you buy the whole company?" If the answer to this is no, then you shouldn't invest in that company. Finding the right company to invest in is crucial to making money in the stock market.

Our economy obviously isn't going to improve over night, or even this year. So we might as well make the most of it. Purchasing stocks now when they are cheap and selling them when the market recovers is a great way to cash in on our government's laziness.

People need to make the change since Washington refuses to make it happen. There are plenty of excuses out there, but if we talk as one voice and demand to be heard there will nothing to keep us from creating a better America today.

Mark Baldwin is a freelance writer and amateur bowler whose interests include many topics. He is a contributing writer to numerous websites including

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