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November 19, 2011

iPhone Features - From Spying to High Quality Camera

Did you know that the iPhone is the only smartphone that can act as a spying device? A lot of users did not know this until it was discovered by security personnel who wanted to use the smart phone to track the location of their users.

It has been found that the iPhone has a unique feature which keeps track of every place you go. So far as the phone is switched on a user can be easily tracked. Such information can be downloaded and stored on the computer for later reference. The only thing a person has to do is to connect the smart phone to the PC or Mac and after synchronization, the data is downloaded onto the phone.

If you are a jealous spouse and you think your partner is cheating on you, then this is one of the easiest ways to track your partner. Buy an iPhone for him or her and during the weekend you can synchronize everything on the smartphone with your computer. You would then know exactly where your partner has been all throughout the week.

No other smartphone has such a feature. iPhone is one of its kind in the smartphone market.

The iPhone has a perfect picture application which enhances images on the smart phone. To own an iPhone is like to own a digital camera. Photographs of good quality can be taken easily. These pictures can be edited on the smart phone and can be sent directly onto the web.

Chatting on iPhone is easier. Anybody who wants to log on to Facebook can easily do that. Chatting in Facebook is also very easy since the interface is so clear it seems the person is using his or her computer.

iPhone version 4 has another unique feature which is the twin camera. The twin camera allows a person to have video chat while talking on the phone. Speaking on the phone seems like speaking in reality since you are looking at the person you are talking to.

The iPhone also has a rotating screen which changes when a user changes the position of the phone. To watch a movie, the user just has to turn the phone horizontally in order to view the quality video. Because of the battery lifespan of the phone, a user can watch a complete series of movies on the phone without charging it.

The only disadvantage of the smart phone is that it needs a long time to fully recharge and care should be taken since the recharging can take some time. You can change or replace the phone since it is securely sealed and can be opened only by Apple Inc.

Apart from that, the phone is one of the best in the market today.

Mirja kaizer Ahmed, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh.

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