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November 23, 2011

Top Trends in Mobile Application Development

Generally speaking, there are dozens of advancements happening daily in the universe of business computing. One of the sub-categories within that wide and extremely varied universe is the world of mobile computing. While the entire technological industry moves and evolves rapidly, mobile technologies are moving forward at a faster pace than that of the industry as a whole. In the coming months and years, if past is prologue, some of the trends that will stick are those that focus on improving mobile functionality and offering users more interactive mobile interfaces.

One big way that mobile manufacturers and mobile app developers are trying to make mobile experience better is through location-based services. Providing services to mobile users through apps based on location is an attempt to bring new and exciting features and functionality to the pockets of millions of consumers. Accounting for a person's location, along with other personal details enables companies and businesses to communicate more intuitively with users, opening up a variety of interesting possibilities. Coupons based on location (be it a city/region or more granular data point) as well as rewards for "checking in" at places with apps like FourSquare and SCVNGR are becoming the new rage.

Closely tied in with location-based services will be improved object recognition capabilities. Devices will increasingly possess the ability to identify the users' immediate vicinity, including the ability to identify specific items or targets. In the next calendar year more applications will be available on more devices, from smartphones to tablets, which will utilize the device's camera in connection with those apps. The result will be that consumers have access to recreational content and productivity functionality on a scale unknown until the modern era.

Using location information to provide increased functionality to users is an exciting prospect for the future of a wide variety of businesses and applications. Mobile payment capabilities appear to be another exciting frontier for device manufacturers and app developers looking to get a foothold in the mobile marketplace. Near field communication payment is currently available in some advanced phones but it is predicted to become more universal in the coming years. It will take some time for service providers to raise the profile of their services and to reassure both traditional and business consumers that transactions are secure, however.

The future of mobile computing will bring interactivity and functionality to users of all kinds, from consumers of entertainment apps to businesses looking for efficient business solutions. Overall, companies and providers of mobile apps and devices are likely to earn billions of dollars for the industry. Adopting these and other innovations can help companies differentiate themselves from the competition, elevate perception, and build allegiance for their brand.

For more information about mobile application development, visit Magenic Technologies who have been providing innovative custom software development to meet unique business challenges for some of the most recognized companies and organizations in the nation.

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