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November 29, 2011

Friday Morning Venom

I got a few things on my chest which are going to come at some of you like venom. One of my members had a knee MRI this week. Turns out, it is a knee strain. Now, this is the part that irks me...the doctors told my client that squats and lunges are terrible for the knees. At which I replied, "False". This is part of the problem when it comes to health and fitness. The people that are supposed to be leading the charge, the doctors, don't take the time to really find out the truth. Here is what the doctor might be referring to:

There was a book written in the 1960's, the name which escapes me, where the author talked about pre-existing knee conditions and squatting. In that case, then squatting might not be the best (although I could make the argument against this). Many people read only that headline or part of that book and came to the conclusion that squatting is bad for the knees. Nothing could be further from the truth. Look at the squatting motion in which you go through the full range of motion. You are strengthening the leg musculature while at the same time lubricating and washing the joint in synovial fluid. Squatting is the most natural and healthy knee movement there is. Look at pictures of babies in the squat or pictures of some African tribes in which even the senior members are in a full squat.
The doctors hear that if the knees go past the toes, you are screwed. Wrong again. First of all, when looking at the lunge, what happens to the back leg and knee when lunging? It is past the toe! How come no one ever mentions this?! Look at all types of sports and games, the players knees are constantly out in front of the toes. The logic doesn't add up! And then, the doctor told client X to strengthen the thighs more...hello Doc! What the hell do you think is the most effective exercise for strengthening the things?! Food for thought.

One more quick rant before I gotta run. These dopes over at Wall Street should not be expecting any handouts. A person like me works 18 hours per day to make my dream come to fruition. The only difference is in mindset. We all have the same opportunities, it is just a matter of some people actually wanting to work hard and follow a plan and others waiting for people to give them something. The only people that have the means to stimulate the economy are the affluent, 1%ers. It is no coincidence that the 1% affluent are also the 1% when it comes to having a great mindset. The connection is direct. 1%ers have the ability to spend and put money back into the economy. Give these protesters even $500 each from a CEO's pocket and guess what? It will disappear as quickly as you gave it to them because people of this mindset have to spend any money they have on debt and buying necessities. It is a shame that people are not willing to work hard or jump into the opportunity that is there for the taking.

Kyle Newell is the creator of Newell Strength, located in central New Jersey. He specializes in making athletes bigger, faster and stronger. Kyle's methods are among the most unique in the business. He has worked with college strength programs and has competed in numerous bodybuilding shows. Kyle's men and athletes achieve unbelievable rates of success and performance on the field. You can find out more about Kyle at

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