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November 30, 2011

The Left and Right Should Get Their Own Nations

The country is deeply divided. The split seems irreconcilable; the two sides are just too far apart on an ideological basis. The rhetoric is loud, increasing and hardening positions.

Barack, Divider in Chief, is fanning the flames, deepening the divide, pitting Democrats and against Republicans, the successful hard working class against the entitlement class, the young against the aging.

What can we do about the stalemate? Is it inevitable that we turn into Europe? Albeit without the charm! Are we doomed to loath and fear nearly half of our fellow countrymen?

Two Americas

Why not split the country into two? It may sound radical but why not explore the possibility of dividing the country into two distinct nations where each could manage their economic and social matters according to their beliefs.

The tensions would evaporate and the race to see what 'model' works would be on.

The liberals can have states like New York, New Jersey and California while the conservatives can claim Texas, Florida and Virginia. We could give each 'new' nation a share of sun-belt and rust belt states and split those states with unclear majorities.

Doing this would discount the growing authority of Washington and leave it to the new nations to decide whether they want more control at the local level or a growing central authority.

Conservatives trapped in liberal states and left wingers in right wing states would have a type of 'passport' for citizenship in the nation where their hearts lie but not be forced to move.

Trade and commerce between the new nations would not change and future barriers prohibited. Matters of national defense for example or other former federal responsibilities that could not be reasonably handled alone would be funded by the two new nations based upon the population count. No more unfair subsidies. Easements and rights of way would remain as they are but States within the new nations would be given back the responsibility for education, welfare, health etc.

I realize it is a delicate subject but I am stunned no one is talking about an option like this. It's revolutionary but I believe we need to look at it. It would cause a lot of dislocation and take a long period of time to assimilate but does anyone really believe the current environment we find ourselves in will resolve itself fairly and peacefully?

I would love to hear your ideas to move this debate forward.

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