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November 25, 2011

Is Anna Hazare Ji Right?

I am a great admirer of Anna Hazare and appreciate his passion to make India free from corruption. He is a selfless human being who has single-handedly tried to change the social scenario in India. He is fighting against corruption and wants everyone to join him. His most powerful weapon is fasting.

India has become a haven for corruption and we need to discuss this issue firmly. Corruption has seeped into our blood and it would take much more than Anna Hazare to purify this blood. In my viewpoint fasting is not the proper way to fight for our demands. It seems childish to 'fast' for such a great cause. People took Anna Hazare very seriously when he started to fast. There were controversial opinions the next time and now people have become sceptical.

Nowadays we cannot deny the brutal fact that power lies in the hands of corrupt people. Every religion preaches that truth is powerful and truthfulness pays in the long run. Today, the hardcore fact is that truth has taken a backseat while power and money have captured the limelight.

Anna Hazare wants a corruption free India along with many of us. The fact remains that the people who are totally free of corruption amount to a meagre 10%. The brutal reality is that corruption has become a part of the society and it has spread through the strata of people.

So the question remains that will Anna Hazare get support for his mission? His mission is of course to free India from corruption but the means to do it are not right. Is it right to fast? Well, Gandhi showed us the way of Ahimsa. At that time we were fighting against a set of known enemies and there was a definite target. We had two strong weapons with us to meet our demands. At that time along with fasting we had another great weapon and that was of Unity. Now here we are talking about a bill about which 50% of the supporters are either not fully convinced or are unaware of.

Hence the fight against corruption is what we all want but the means to meet it is not defined. Moreover the way towards a corruption free India would need a lot of efforts and a unified India not just a 72-year-old man fasting until death. It's true that we need a corruption free India but before that we should have more people supporting us and then we should decide a definite path. All leading people in the society like cricketers, actors and other leading people should address this issue. In this way it is possible to have a greater impact. Then we can begin our first step towards a better India. Till then let's hope for the best!

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