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November 23, 2011

Is Kuwait a Smart Staging Ground For US Troops in the Persian Gulf?

Well, it looks like President Obama is making good on his promise to end the Iraq war and pull our troops out of that country. However, is this just a shuffling of troops to the next nearest border? The reason I ask is that the troops appear to be going to a nearby country, and merely redeployed. Okay so, maybe that is the best way to play it, I haven't looked at all the details, in fact, it may be the wisest choice.

However, if somewhat smacks of hypocrisy, and nothing more than a political move to keep the people at home happy so that President Obama can say that he made good on his promise, and still be close enough to deal with the vacuum that we have left in the country called; Iraq. Which, I might add is being filled in right now by your friend and mine; Iran.

There was an interesting article recently in Energy Daily titled; "US negotiating combat troop boost in Kuwait: officials," by Staff Writers in Washington DC on November 10, 2011 which stated;

"US negotiating with Kuwait for 3,000+ combat troops in Iraq to redeploy to the Gulf emirate to counter Iran's influence in the region. "Discussions are underway" with Kuwaiti leaders but no agreement yet. The US already has 20,000 forces in Kuwait but commanders and administration officials are keen to bolster the military's presence in the Gulf amid concerns about instability in Iraq and Iran's role in the region."

Kuwait has been good to us over the years, and is so grateful that we repelled Iraq in the past. They are also somewhat a neutral country, and they try to stay out of all of the problems of the region as best they can, which isn't always so easy considering their geographical location. However, those troops are not on their way home, their merely being redeployed. That's not exactly what the American people who voted for Barack Obama expected.

Now then, I didn't expect anything from Barack Obama, nor did I vote for him, so I'm not shocked, I am not surprised, and I realized when he made those promises that they were a little premature, and a little bit naïve, even though I realize they were politically prudent at the time, as Barack Obama was busy blaming everything on the Bush Administration and calling President Bush unfit to lead. But hey, that's just politics and I realize that, even if the twenty-somethings in their first time voting were awestruck by the careful choreographed political branding of that Junior Senator from Illinois.

Still, I ask that you please consider this, and then I'd like you to ask yourself; "how do I feel about that?" As this only seems to be a maneuver to pretend that he made good on his promise, wouldn't you agree, because that's my assessment.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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