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November 27, 2011

iPods, Zombies, and Fortified Number 10 Containers - Surviving the Apocalypse

In between charging your iPod and fighting off zombies, humans need food, shelter, and water. In a catastrophe, everything may be in short supply, except for the zombies. Only then will we realize the shelf life of foods is an important consideration in emergencies of all kinds. These especially include catastrophes. The truth is, these days some people are over prepared, but most folks are under prepared. We will teach you exactly what you need to know about shelf life of foods to get started safeguarding your family. We also cover guns, zombies, food supply, and getting through the worst of times.

In the wake and passing by of the Cold War, people have decided that they no longer need to prepare for any type of disaster, as much as before. You can easily poll your neighbors and see who has built a fallout shelter recently. It's probably also the one strange guy in the neighborhood loaded with guns, ammunition and a monster truck (wink). As little as over 20 years ago, regular folks still took disaster preparation very seriously, with middle class households building bomb shelters in the backyard next to Fido's doghouse, and stocking shelves full of food and supplies. These days, nuclear fallout shelters are looked upon as a relic of the past. Can you imagine what our leaders from the past would say of our naivety now?

Shelf Life and preparing for the worst

Most people have canned foods that will spoil after a couple years in storage. Did you know you can die easily from poisoned canned foods? In the 1970s, this was an issue in the public awareness since people were dying of botulism poisoning. The material of the container holding your food makes a big difference in safety procedures- in the past most cans were made out of steel.

In the 1970s, ordinary folks went to the grocery store, and they would perish from eating dinner! Later, scientists realized dented up cans or cans partially exposed to air provided great grounds for special bacteria to breed and create a poisonous substance. These days most food cans in the United States are aluminum lined with a specially produced plastic layer. Beverage cans are just thin aluminum sheeting.

Fortified #10 containers: courtesy of the cold war

Currently, there exists a limited amount of amazingly engineered materials for food containers, which was developed for use by the US Army. Emergency food supplies and food survival is a priority for them. In fact, regular people with money can buy these too! These containers and their packing process make food last in excess of 20 years! By the way, 20 years is a ridiculously long time.

Here is an analogy so perhaps you can appreciate it. If you had your own warehouse of this stuff, imagine how long you could live after the apocalypse! You could even raise a child and send him to High School (of course, it would need to be a homeschooled option, since high school doesn't exist after the apocalypse). You may also have enough food to last through zombie combat school, and build a collective underground farm in your new colony. I mean, it only took 10 years to land a man on the moon!

The packing process freeze dries the food and takes out all the water. Needless to say, these foods cost a fortune, and then you need to have room for storage, and you need water to remake it as well. That's right, these #10 cans don't come with water, and you can't eat it without the water. Thus, you still have to solve the problem of a safe water supply. If you manage to live near an underground lake or a spring, this will work fantastically!

So, not to be sarcastic, but these cans are only part of the equation needed to save your life. Now, what if you could learn how to survive on the land, anywhere you live?

Charging your iPod after the apocalypse

People need to survive, but they also need a means to thrive. "If you give a man a fish (or #10 cans), then he eats for a day. If you teach a man to fish (and live off the land), then he eats for a lifetime." The best way to survive an extended emergency then, is not to stock up massive mounds of expensive #10 cans, but simply have access to the bulk materials necessary to rebuild. Humans need food, shelter and water. According to Sold Out After Crisis and Damian Campbell, an internet authority on survival methods, if you learn the right skills, you can live anywhere! He teaches you how to generate electricity with solar energy, as well as how to collect and purify water! Yes, if you learn sold out after disaster steps, you can still charge your iPod after hell freezes over!

Damian Campbell has also put together a list of facts and 37 essential items that will help you get through emergencies. The reality is, catastrophes like zombie apocalypses haven't occurred yet (at least that we know of), but natural disasters occur all the time around the world. In all seriousness, during Hurricane Katrina in 2005 people found themselves stranded and without food or potable water. If they would have stocked up on the supplies recommended by Sold Out After Crisis and Damian Campbell, they would have fared much better.

You can take the right steps to prepare your family for the worst. It is easy and does not have to cost thousands for a year's supply of #10 canned foods. Don't leave your loved ones without water to drink. Think about events like the 1917 flu pandemic in the United States, which left an entire portion of the population dead and immobilized large tracts of society. People were afraid to leave their houses for weeks at a time! These are other types of catastrophes, not manmade, that can befall the people of earth. You can learn more about Sold Out After Crisis and Damian Campbell to live a good life after the apocalypse, with enough food and drink, plus electricity left over to charge your iPod via solar energy!

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