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November 22, 2011

Evolution Adapted to Survive Both Warming and Ice Ages - Don't Worry, Life Always Finds a Way

There was a famous quote in Jurassic Park the Hollywood movie; "life will always find a way," and it was well stated by the scientist in the movie. He's absolutely right and the evolution of species is well known. Earth species have adapted to survive in both warming periods and ice ages. And we humans should not be so arrogant to think that only we can save certain species because of climate change.

There was an interesting article on Terra Daily on June 13, 2011 which asks a provocative question in its title; "Can Evolution Outpace Climate Change?" by the Staff Writers at US Davis. Although this title was another play at global warming alarmism which incidentally irks me to no end, I read that title a different way, and need no more research or data to answer the question it asks.

Now then, let's talk about the polar bear, and I'm not sure how the polar bear became a cute little cuddly bear that we needed to save from extinction, but somehow Hollywood, Al Gore, and the entire group of global warming alarmists have convinced us that the polar bears are going to die out if we don't do something. The reality is a warming period is better for the polar bears because there is an abundance of life in the northern areas during a warming era.

With an abundance of life, there is more food to eat, and the polar bears get big, strong, plump, and the female polar bears no longer will need to kill one of their offspring to eat because they don't have enough food. Therefore the concept of the polar bears becoming extinct is rather silly. In fact we should be noting that their population numbers are increasing, and as each generation moves on and more offspring are born, it will be exponential growth.

Further, we must understand that the polar bear is a species that is probably over a million years old, and it has been through ice ages, as well as warming periods, so many in fact, that it's DNA is probably sequenced to a point that can handle warming periods or cooling periods. It can live in the heat, or subfreezing temperatures indefinitely. There have been reports already that the black bear and polar bears are nearly identical in DNA, thus, they are the same species.

One thing I find is that there are far too many people speculating that many species will die as the planet heats up. In fact there will be an abundance of life if there are warmer temperatures at either of our polls. There will be more birds, more fish, more sea mammals, and yes more polar bears. There will be more plankton, vegetation, and lots of minerals in the water for all kinds of life in general.

So when someone asks; can evolution outpace climate change? The answer is of course, and it already has, we don't need to do anything but sit back and watch, and I'm sure that will prove my point. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 23,777 articles by 7 PM on June 27, 2011 is going to be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..

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