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November 26, 2011

Effective Ways to Deal With Overheating Issues on Laptops

Laptop overheating is one of the most common issues found by users. A rough estimate suggests that around 90% of the laptops face this problem that has increased over the last few years due to the compact design and CPUs (central processing units). Nowadays, high efficiency video chips and transistors are used in laptops that are known for generating a good amount of heat. The CPU and graphic unit of the laptop generates a lot of heat that needs to be handled properly with well-designed air circulation or cooling system. Moreover, if you use high-end software then it will put more pressure on CPU to generate additional heat.

This article is an effort to help you with simple steps that you can take to reduce the amount of heat generated by your laptop. By following the below mentioned practices you can get rid of overheating issue to a greater extent.

Use compressed air for cleaning the air circulation system

With time and usage a good amount of dust gets deposited on and around the cooling system thereby blocking the vents completely. As a result of this heat will not dissipate easily. For this the fan becomes less efficient and the system becomes hotter. This situation can be avoided if you use compressed air periodically to remove the dust within your laptop. This will keep it cool and efficient.

Keep your laptop preferably on a hard surface

Keeping the laptop on a hard surface like a table, helps prevent overheating to a great extent. It is our usual tendency to keep laptop on a pillow or blanket while working at home. This blocks the vents meant for air circulation. Keeping laptops on a soft surface generates a lot of heat that is not flowing out. The hot air is pushed back into the machine which makes it miserably hot and less efficient.

Switch off your laptop before you put it in your bag

Most of us avoid switching off our laptops when not at work. We usually keep it in a standby mode that is considered as a wrong practice as far as overheating is concerned. You should always switch off your laptop while packing it. It is also not recommended to opt for the 'hibernate' option as it uses your RAM unnecessarily. The best way is to switch off your laptop that will prevent overheating and also save the battery from draining fast.

Use of a cooling pad

Another efficient way of keeping your laptop cool is with the regular usage of a cooling pad. It comes at a very handy price of around $25 but is of great help in preventing overheating of your laptop.
Although these steps have been proved very useful in dealing with the overheating issues in laptops but chances remain when you need to look beyond them. If these steps prove futile then you will have to opt for premium technical support. Choose an experienced computer support provider and explain them the issue. They provide fast resolution of such issues with their specialized and certified technicians with wide experience in maintaining and servicing laptops and other gadgets.

Brooke M. Perry is an ardent technician associated with Qresolve, with wide experience of fixing issues with PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones. With a strong track record of devising effective ways of virus removal and system security, she has so far helped thousands of users across the globe. Her writings on tech issues are the reflection of her in-depth interest and command she carries as a computer support technician. Her blogs and articles have been rated high for their lucid style and easy to understand language.

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