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November 21, 2011

Has The US School System Really Fallen Behind the Rest of the World?

We sure hear a lot of talk about the US School System being broken, and yet, just because something is repeated over and over again does not mean it's true. So, is our nation's school system broken? Perhaps not, and yet, improvement is always wise regardless of the area of human endeavor, as we must always work to improve. But let's not be so quick to judge, okay so, let's talk about this for a moment shall we?

As a whole our country has not fallen behind the average, at least not that far. Furthermore, with all of the illegal aliens that we have to teach, and the "no child allowed to advance" rules, we are preventing students from moving forward who should. Also we are throwing kids that don't even speak English, and don't speak it at home, and have a hard time taking the tests in with the mix of students in the classrooms - this is driving down the averages.

That is not fair to the regular kids, or the ESL kids, especially considering many of these kids will drop out of high school, I think the rating California something like 50% of the ESL kids drop out of high school before completion. However while they're in school, they are inadvertently holding back the classrooms, and all the other kids from getting a decent education.

We allow the political correctness to skew the statistical basis for the argument that the US schools are lacking or falling behind the rest of the world. If we separate out the ESL kids, our kids are doing about the same as all the other first world nations with similar ethnic demographics, so I am not a "doom and gloomer" on the issue or charge that; US Schools are Falling Behind.

Indeed, despite popular belief, I would submit to you that throwing more money at our nation's schools is not the way to fix them because much of that money never makes it into the classrooms. It appears that the leadership at so many levels is busy infighting on what to do about a problem that is fairly nonexistent. In their haste to fix the stated problem, they've drown our schools in bureaucracy.

Further, I can see a point in the future where we won't necessarily need the types of schools we have today due to the Internet, and free-flowing information. Maybe we need to think a little deeper before we go when chastise our nation's schools, or fall to this false belief that the American school system is so far behind the rest of the world, it isn't. And when I talk to folks on the Internet from around the world, it is rather obvious to me that they didn't have the strong education that I did when I was a kid.

Maybe everyone should stop pointing fingers at education, and trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist using politically correct methodology by the same people that proclaimed the problem in the first place. That's just my opinion, but I can back it up, if you care to shoot me an e-mail.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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