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November 21, 2011

Are You Heading Into the End of Year BIG DIP?

I was with friends this weekend discussing the end of year feeling that has kicked in since November started! In the UK this was coupled with our clocks changing so it is darker earlier and as if by magic the days seem to be pretty dark and grey too.

It seems this triggers a reaction that the end of the year is near and of course it is! This end of year feeling always has a mix of emotions attached to it. For some of my friends it was a 'thank goodness' as they have decided that this was not a good year for them and for others it is a panic of what they still haven't done and with that comes an overwhelming hope that next year will be better! Whatever the reaction I see this time of year as the 'BIG DIP.'

I remember when I worked in the public sector and later in the private sector there was always this sense that the year ended in November as December was too late to really do any business, just maintenance and keeping things ticking over. What an affirmation for them to make...?

Personally I remember how much I used to hate this time of year. I couldn't see the point of celebrating anything as I felt like such a failure. I felt I had not achieved what I had set out at the beginning of the year. Of course that was all nonsense because I was deliberately focusing on what I hadn't done and of course that created a self-fulfilling cycle. The truth is from an energetic perspective the new year energy is birthing now and the current year energy is shifting and that transition creates a spark of the unknown which creates a fear reaction, hence the BIG DIP energy. But in truth this energy transition is really powerful and a fabulous time to manifest and stand in your own power!

So how are you doing with the big dip energy....?

Take my quiz below to find out if you are being affected by the BIG DIP energy and then I will reveal to you how you can transmute that energy and make the next few weeks not only productive and abundant but also joyous and fun!

1. Are you panicking about what you think you haven't achieved this year?

2. Are you finding yourself in financial struggle?

3. Are you telling yourself, hopefully next year will be better?

4. Are you telling yourself that you are in a worse place then you started off the year?

5. Do you fear that time is running out?

If you can answer even maybe to one of the questions above then I want you to read on (read on anyway!) and look at how you can turn your situation around so that you can step outside of this low vibrational BIG DIP energy! Just because it happens every year doesn't mean that it is simply how it has to be!

1. Focus on what you have achieved! Remember like attracts like so my coaching challenge to you is to journal every day and include details about what you have achieved. This may feel a little tenuous to start off with but keep working on it as you will shift your energy and start to attract what you desire in a potent and powerful way! Don't get sucked into the big dip energy!

2. Keep taking action towards your dream and don't get stuck in planning! You need a balance between planning and action and this BIG DIP energy has a pull towards the plan, it is a great place to defer and hide from so be sure to be taking action! Action could include networking, attending a fabulous inspirational event, working on the creation of your next business offering, applying for a job you have always dreamed of...asking for help now when you need are examples of the most powerful and benevolent service you can give yourself as the energy appears to take a dip!

3. When and if any of the 5 situations highlighted above seem to creep into your life over the next few weeks BREATHE, SMILE and LET THEM GO! And go and do something more fun and nourishing instead rather than hanging around the low vibrational playground!

If you believe in good then good will continue to happen and if you trust and know that good will happen then you really are in for a successful time in the next few weeks!

You can connect to the author Sarupa Shah, through clicking here; SIGN UP as a subscriber and you will get your FREE copy of Soul Schmooze, a weekly eZine which reveals to you how you can put Soul and Spirit back to where it matters and receive a free PDF poster on how to create your heaven on earth!

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