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November 12, 2011

Facts About The River Dolphins Of The Ganges

Dolphins are marine mammals which have approximately 24 different species. Most of these are sea water inhabitants while just 4 are fresh water inhabitants. Most of the later are found in the Amazonian basins. In Asia, these dolphins are found in Thailand, Bangladesh, Nepal and India.

Susu or the Ganges river dolphins inhabit the waters of the Ganga, Bramhaputra, Karnaphuli and Sangu. They previously existed in groups but recent studies have found them living solitary lives or maximum of 2 in the group. This species has been declared as endangered by the ICUN. This has occurred due to the over-exploitation of the basins for irrigation, construction of dams, siltation due to deforestation, accidentally being caught and pollution. With the implementation of the Wildlife Protection Act-1972, Ganges river dolphins are being protected.

These dolphins are grayish brown and have a round belly, large flippers and a long and thin snout. The eyes do not have lenses, but the dolphins can still locate themselves. The slit on the head is used for breathing. They surface once every 30 to 120 seconds for taking a breath. They swim on one side in order that the flipper trails on the bed of the river for searching for food. The calves are born with a darker coloration which lightens with the progress of age. They are known to feed on catfish, prawns, sharks in fresh water, clams, carp and gobies. Although they do not migrate, these dolphins move upstream when the levels of water rises and get in to shallower tributaries.

They prefer inhabiting waters with counter currents especially where rivers converge, and in the down-stream and up-stream of islands found in the mid-channel. They co-exist with other marine animals like crocodiles, turtles, and wetland birds.

The females in this species are larger than the males. While the former measure approximately 2.67 m in length, the later measure up to 2.17 m only. The males attain sexual maturity by 10 years. The gestation period lasts from 9 to 11 months. The female delivers a calf once every 2 to 3 years. The ideal time of delivery is found to be from October to March with a peak in December and January.

Presence of these dolphins is an indication of a balanced ecosystem. Since they form the apex of the food-chain, presence of dolphins in adequate number indicates greater biodiversity in the waters. The latest count has estimated a maximum of 1,200 to 1,800 dolphins in a specified location. Conservation and education of locals will assist in preserving them.

About Author:
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in animal and pets. He also offers top quality articles like:
Protect Endangered Dolphins, Chinese White Dolphin

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