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November 16, 2011

Happiness: Can You Learn To Be Happy?

It seems everyone has something to write about the pursuit of happiness. From model Miranda Kerr to the spiritual leader the Dali Lama to name but a few. Even with the abundance of books and articles we some how stray into negative practices and find ourselves lost, anxious, out of control knocking on the door of depression. People tend to know exactly what they should be doing; they can more often than not talk the talk but can't practice what they preach. It's as though they lost the ability to manage how and where they invest their thoughts.

Or is it that we have been given a brain but haven't found the users manual yet, realising it's not user friendly it tends to go off and do its own thing, not seeming to care if we are happy about it or not.

Amongst the myriad of information out there about happiness there is some interesting research is by American psychologists McCullough and Emmons. In their study they found that gratitude may have emotional and interpersonal benefits. That those who take a positive perspective on life's trials and tribulations may have more energy, well being and show more signs of overall contentment. Nothing new there, we all know the benefits of counting our blessings.

In the words of Charles Dickens (1897) 'Reflect on our present blessings, on which every man has many, not on our past misfortunes, of which all men have some'.

What we really need is quick and easy techniques to make us do it. Psychologist Dr Nick Lowe writing as Dr FeelGood for the Times, talks about taking five minutes daily to recall and savour what's going well in our lives. The point being that this will keep us on the path to a healthier and happier mind. I must reiterate that encouraging our well being requires we routinely relish in the positives. In practical terms this means we must become committed followers to the practice of positive reframing whenever and wherever we are. Actively wallowing in gratitude, thankfulness, and optimism by focussing on what's good in our lives and what we do well, as often as we can.

Using this simple technique can help banish a negative thought which is what we want because negative thinking is a sure way to unhappiness and even depression.

By replaying the positive memories over and over again we reprogram our mind to focus on what's good and the more you do this the easier and more habitual it becomes. As a result expect to be in a good mood; more productive; goal orientated and more willing to take on challenges. The pursuit of happiness ends when one accepts it is a state of mind which is free.

As Paul McKenna once said 'The trouble with happiness is people don't practice it'. Hypnotherapist and life coach Debbie Williams encourages her clients to keep a happiness journal to record and cherry pick the day's pleasures, it could be a conversation with a loved one, a funny email, a card in the post, someone you met, something you saw. Write it down and capture it and it will be the support you need to get you through a rainy day. Once you start your journal you can add past memories of good things, photographs and memorabilia as well as writing your hopes and dreams for the future. This will take back the reins of your mind to steer it towards happier times.

Some questions to ponder on:
Where could you be one month from now if you started recording good things everyday?
Where could you be a year from now just developing the discipline to record positive life enhancing moments?
Where could you be five years from now if you had made this a habit?

Debbie Williams invites you to claim your free download of Stop worry & create a wonderful life by visiting her website. Just click on the link below.

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