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November 23, 2011

Tips for Motivating Yourself to Turn Desires Into Realities

"Good work habits help develop an internal toughness and self-confident attitude that will sustain you through every adversity and temporary discouragement." Paul J. Heyer

I know that determination is a major factor in a persons success. The drive and perseverance to make ones goal a reality is the foundation to success of any kind. Thinking about it, seeing it, nurturing it and going for it. The thing to keep in mind is to keep your mind on the things that you want, and off of the things that you do not want to experience. Some of us have a hard time keeping our minds off of the things that we dread and fear and absolutely do not want to happen. This we have to work on.

The one thing that you have utter and complete control over is your mind. Your thoughts and state of mind are yours for the commanding. Seeing the positive outcome of your dreams and the accomplishment of your goals is completely under your control and should become a daily practice. Keeping your mind dead locked and focused on the positive outcome of your success dream can be difficult in the beginning. Reality can be a burden on your dreams if you let it. You can't let it! While trying to create a new reality for yourself you must deal with your current reality, but put your passion and focus on your future reality, your success and your dreams.

You must be aware that your current reality is only the result of your thoughts dreams and preparations or lack thereof from the past. In other words wherever you are in life now, is the direct result of your previous dreams, thoughts fears conscious and subconscious beliefs and plans from the past (we will talk more about this at another time). This is the way we work, so it is imperative that you take control of your thoughts, plans and dreams on a daily basis. Something I do everyday to keep myself focused on whatever my goals are no matter what is, just do one thing. One thing everyday. I keep the practice of doing one thing toward the attainment of my goal no matter how small or where I might find myself. It might just be sending an email or writing down an idea or a concept for a future time. One thing toward the attainment of my goal everyday keeps my mind crystallized and creative and open for the new reality I am creating for myself.

Keep your mind focused on the things that you want, and off the things that you don't want. Do one thing everyday to get yourself closer to your dreams and rest at night satisfied and excited about the new reality that you are creating for yourself. You are the captain of your ship. Take charge!

Omar Huff is motivational speaker and success teacher and author of the upcoming book "Success Thru Determination," with the website of the same name,

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