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November 18, 2011

Use Vibrational Frequencies As One Of The Main Success Factors, Like The Gurus Do

All the famous self-help gurus that have spawned in the last few decades have discovered the importance of vibrational frequencies as one of the main success factors. Life is energy and we live in a swirling mass of vibration. If we can attune ourselves to our highest energy bodies, i.e, our highest and best frequencies, we have a decidedly better chance of living the lives that we desire, instead of being at the mercy of random events. Anyone who has determined to do this, is likely to ask the following questions.

If vibrations are so important what can I do to raise them to a higher level?

Controlling thoughts will control vibrations, strange as it may seem. We often don't think our thoughts are important because we can't see them. However, each thought we have affects our reality, especially negative thoughts that are repetitive and which crystallize into thought-patterns. All the gurus have known this and claim high frequency levels of vibrations in their list of success factors.

What exactly is the difference between high and low frequencies?

When something vibrates at a lower frequency, it is easier for other lower frequencies to merge with this frequency and to move in these slower cycles which can often lead to depression and confusion. The higher the frequency, the more that person becomes united with Source. In fact, in the Eastern tradition, many mantras are repeated to help bring the energy up to a higher frequency. This is rather a mechanical way to do it, but many devotees of mantras have proved their depression lifts and a state of clarity comes with the constant raising of the vibration. As an aside, the Christian tradition also has its own forms of mantra, and many of the early mystics practiced the repetition of sacred words, with which they effectively warded off negativity.

Once I raise my vibration, how can I maintain the frequency?

It is almost impossible to maintain a high frequency all the time, but it is one of the determining success factors if you can do so as much as possible. A higher frequency protects you from lower frequencies, and it becomes an impenetrable barrier. That is why it is so important to do some sort of meditation, or the reading of scriptures or some other sort of mind-discipline in the early morning, because it gives you protection throughout the day. It is as though you are in a light bubble because the higher frequencies are closer to the speed of Light. This process leads to a closer connection to Source and, in turn, to a greater connection with our fellow beings.

Make it your concern to become aware of your vibrational frequencies and if you integrate the higher frequencies into your "energy body," you will discover, like the gurus, that it is one of the most important success factors.

Utilize The Quantum Law of Attraction to keep your vibration high. For a limited period, you can claim your free report on "Your Best Self" on the author's site below.

M.Elena Rogers, a recognized expert in Success Strategies, has had extensive experience in the University, Education Field, in different countries, including Australia, U.K. and Italy. She is the Publisher, Editor and Founder of

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