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November 14, 2011

They Over Mined the Moon and Nearly Wiped Out The Species Of Earth

The other day, I was talking to someone about what was on the back side of the moon. You may not know this, but the Moon is not a perfect sphere, it looks like someone hacked a big piece off of it. Well, how did that happen exactly, was it ever a full sphere? The reality is no one knows, and there are all sorts of theories. One is that Earth was struck by a giant asteroid, or another small planet which was forming, or even a comet, and that's how the moon got there.

Indeed, I recently heard another theory that the moon is actually the half of the core of the earth, which went through a violent period billions of years ago and it was ejected out of the planet, or it was thrust out when Earth was hit by another big object. The core broken into half and that is the moon, the other half is still the Earth. Then, the other day I came up with a science fiction thriller idea that long ago the pre-humans, an advanced civilization, like ours had traveled to the moon, and mined it for rare metals, diamonds, and such.

Unfortunately, as my science fiction story might go they took too much, and the moon didn't weigh as much as before, and therefore, didn't have as much pull on the earth, so the ocean tides receded, and the weather was less violent. This caused the planet to heat up, challenging much of the life that existed before, which had evolved to live in a cooler environment, with larger oceans. Now then, this might make a great science fiction thriller, and maybe someday I will write that science fiction short story, or movie script.

And yet, it brings up another good point because right now humans are considering mining the moon for rare Earth elements, diamonds, and whatever else might be there to make spacecraft, which they can use to explore space. Actually that makes for a pretty good idea because the gravity dwell of the moon is quite a bit less than that on Earth. However, over time, and it would take hundreds of years, eventually over mining the moon could have a drastic problem such as the one previously discussed in this article above.

Therefore, we should have protocols and rules, if not regulations which all nations sign that states; only a certain percentage of the moon can be mined in the future, regardless of what we find there, or its uses, which will no doubt be numerous - or an equal amount of weight of other material must be put in its place. Perhaps we should be thinking here, so I ask that you please consider all this.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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