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November 17, 2011

Should We Mine the Back Side of the Moon For REEs?

Okay so, there are folks in the US that would like "to boldly go where no man has gone before" - and yes, I am one of them. It would be nice to build a giant Starship Enterprise, and send mankind out to explore the galaxy, and beyond. Of course, to build a ship the size of an aircraft carrier will require special materials, special manufacturing processes, and then it will have to have enough power to break free from Earth's gravity dwell, that is to say to reach escape velocity. Easier said than done, but perhaps we should talk about a potential solution for this.

You see, many of the materials that we would need to build such a ship do exist on Earth, but they are also on the Moon. Specifically on the back side of the moon there are apparently all sorts of rare Earth elements, and many of the things that we will need to build the hull of the spaceship; exotic metals and important materials. Plus, the gravity dwell of the Moon is only one fifth that of Earth, making it a much more viable location to put together such a project. Of course there's only one problem, we don't have a Moon base yet, manufacturing facilities, or anything of the sort.

However, we do have the technology, and if we can find the will to make it happen, and provide the funding everything should work. Can we build the main body of the spaceship robotically on the Moon, once built, it can orbit the earth, and thus, the people can go up just as we would loading-up the international space station using the space shuttle. Yes, that would be possible, and we could finish the project once we had the basics done on the Moon. Should we mine the moon to get those rare Earth elements, exotic metals, and the materials we need to make this happen?

Some say yes, and some say no, others have already set forth plans to go get it done. One of the most recent complaints that I have heard was that if we mine the moon, and we use up all the important minerals there, they cannot easily be replaced. Whereas, this is true, the benefits and the advantage of doing so sure make a lot of sense, at least as long as we don't mine the moon too much, because we need the moon to provide the tides and weather here on Earth. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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