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November 11, 2011

3 Important Tips to Be Happier Right Now

Being happy is a choice. You can choose to let the annoying guy at work drive you insane and make you miserable, and you can choose to see him for who he is and not let him affect your day. It all comes down to how you choose to view the situation.

Of course making choices is how we develop habits. So if you choose to be happy instead of miserable, then every time you do so you are moving yourself towards a habit of always being happy.

So how can you make better choices right now?

1. See Your Situation in a Bright Light

Instead of choosing to see any situation you get into in dark light trying seeing your situation in a good light. Meaning instead of looking at how the situation affects you negatively try seeing how the situation affects you in a good way.

There are some people who are really good at this. They view such things as a flat tire as a possible reason they didn't get in an accident or as a time to take a break from driving and just enjoy being in the moment.

Don't think you can choose to be happy when you get a flat on your way to an important meeting? Believe me, with a little practice you can. And remember that you have to end up feeling one way or the other, it's not like you are going to be numb, and if you want to be happy over angry then you will have to choose to feel better about the situation. And with some practice it just becomes habit to pick the brighter side of the situation.

2. See Your Situation as an Opportunity

As I write this I'm in a power outage in a coffee shop. I came to this coffee shop for a white hot chocolate - my favorite non-coffee beverage. I was excited for it and ready to take it out to another place to start writing, but just before I walked in the door the power went out and the young giggly girls can't make a white hot chocolate right now. Instead of getting mad I saw this as an opportunity to sit down, write an article, and wait for my white hot chocolate that is going to be extra good by the time I get it. In the end it was an opportunity to get an idea to write an article and to take the time to write it! Look for an opportunity in your next 'negative' situation.

3. Choose to Act in Kindness Instead of Anger

This is really important. Have you ever scowled at someone who didn't deserve it and felt horrible about it after? That's because acting in anger doesn't make you happy, it makes you angry and sometimes sad. You can't feel angry and be happy at the same time! Just like you can't feel happy and be angry at the same time.

So the next time that somebody gives you a dirty look you can choose to give them a smile in return. Or the next time someone is rude, mean, or negative towards you, you can choose to react to it in a happy way, or even in non-confrontational way and walk away, and feel better about the situation - and in essence be happier!

Do you find that you are sitting around and waiting for something to come alone in order to be happy? Then you may want to click here and read why that is not a good idea!

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