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November 10, 2011

When It Comes To Happiness and Meaning Everyone Is A Being In Progress

When it is about meaning and happiness, you are a being-in-progress. Everyone is.

There is nothing necessarily wrong with instant gratification. It feels good to want something, say a filling meal, and be able to consume that food almost as the words to order it come out of your mouth.

Besides, it saves time. Time you could use doing something more important than eating.

Of course, there is the downside of instant gratification. We expect everything to come to us very quickly. Not everything can or should. Take relationships for example. Perhaps it is far better for relationships to develop slowly, over time.

At the very least, effort must be put into a relationship to maintain it and help it thrive. That usually cannot be done instantly.

There are other things that take time as well. Not the least of which will be the discovery and maintenance of meaning and happiness.

Don't get me wrong. Happiness and meaning are there, right there, waiting to be plucked from the tree. All ripe and ready to go. But you need to take your time in cherishing that fruit.

If happiness were an apple, all you would have to do is wait for it to ripen on the branch. When it is all nicely red, simple pick and eat. Almost instant gratification.

But of course, happiness is not a ripe, red apple. It is fruit of a different nature. And the harvesting of it takes a different approach.

Here's how it works.

You need to employ the meditative arts. Some form of prayer or meditation needs to be used. There are many types and practices. You need to explore your way to one that is right for you. This can be part of your in-progress work - finding a method that suits you.

You can begin by just being quiet for ten minutes and letting your mind quiet down too by concentrating on your breathing. That in itself is a start. Then you progress from that simple start to something that moves you toward enlightenment.

Along the way to enlightenment you will discover meaning. You see, enlightenment is probably a ways off, maybe even lifetimes. But meaning can be found in this lifetime and only some small effort away.

When you have found your life's meaning, which I believe is to happy, you will have found your connection to the Divine. You can name that Divine anything you want. You could call it "Joe" if you wish. You get naming rights.

Call It Divine Consciousness, the Universe, the Source of All That Is. Any name you wish. You can name It right now, if you want. The point is to make the connection real and your own through relevant meditation or prayer on a regular basis - best every day.

You will pick up the other benefits of meditation along the way, automatically, as well.

But here is the part that is the essence of this article. You will always be in progress. If you do not like this "always being in progress," then I suggest you not undertake to find meaning and happiness, for they are long-term projects.

Yes, you can and will find happiness and meaning relatively quickly. But the maintenance of them in your life is always in progress. Just as the maintenance of your life is always in progress.

You cannot maintain your weight without vigilance. You cannot maintain your health without watchfulness. You cannot maintain your happiness without exercising your meditation muscles in a steady-going way.

Meaning, once it is found, does not easily atrophy. Happiness needs reinforcing on a regular basis by letting it spill over into the world. Helping others. The energy to do that comes from invariant and constant progress of your self through meditation.

There you have it. Your simple guide to your being-in-progress. Get to it.

This has been Dr. Bob 4 U, and I invite you to change your life for the better by claiming your Free Instant Access to a Force-Source-Resource. Just Click Here. Remember, one bit of information can give you a lifetime of satisfaction.
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