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November 20, 2011

Ambiguity R Us

All we really are is energy. We avoid, and often deny awareness of this simple fact. We prefer to think we are what we are called, namely, human beings. We add social, cultural roles, identities, etc., to our humanity. These identities are names, genders, races, ethnicities, nationalities, religions, occupations, classes, etc. All identities, roles, etc., are arrogant illusions that function to distract us from the reality of ambiguity. These illusions offer us a way to deny the reality and the existence of ambiguity. We try to control these illusions with what may be the biggest illusion of all: morality. Shakespeare' s hamlet says "there is nothing good or bad, but that the mind makes it so." We use our energy to attempt to control, and/or judge ourselves and others instead of using our energy to feel, embrace and love the freedom that ambiguity represents.

What we really are is a unique combination of water, minerals, matter (organs and flesh, etc.) and electricity. We are all plugs or prongs, or receptacles or outlets that want to be filled up, plugged in. In other words, we all want and need to feel our absolute energy. The problem is that we all try to interpret this energy, instead of dealing with the reality that our energy is ambiguity, possibility. Accepting ambiguity is the first step towards appreciation of it, and gratitude for it. When we accept the reality of ambiguity we can start the monumental process of determining what are absolute life and death issues and what are relative quality of life issues. Until we confront ambiguity, instead of authentically living we are, at best, practicing to live. Until we confront ambiguity, we mistake drama and ego for life, and we have drama and ego in place of real life.

To the degree we try to use our energy to judge ourselves and others, (whether the judging is positive or negative), we are attempting to limit ambiguity and possibility. As a result, we settle for relative "happiness" like "the American dream", money, fame, power, etc. Instead, I prefer to try to feel the ambiguity as energy, as humor, and I try to communicate either to myself, and/or to others this energy through humor, etc., in a way that is as limitless as possible. Often my communication, my humor, etc., is misunderstood by others, but I often come close to at least understanding myself, because by embracing ambiguity I accept an ambiguous validity and any effects of humor, i.e., instinctual, intuitive joy is a kind of "extra" perk. When, and if, others also participate, and understand what is communicated, this is "beyond" bliss. This is why I write, namely so that there can be joy and shared bliss, instead of, and/or in addition to the limited illusion of "happiness".

B. Todish can be reached at, Consider visiting Scroll down to "Listen to Barbara Todish here" (Humanity 102-103)

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