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November 12, 2011

China to Claim the Moon as Their High Ground - Of Course They'll Try

Who owns the Moon? If you said; Nobody! Then you'd be absolutely correct and thus, you could advance to; "Astronomy for $800 Bob!" Just as putting a flag at the bottom of the North Pole under the ice doesn't give a nation dibs on that land, neither does putting a flag on the moon. Now then, what if someone, or some country established a Moon base, colony, or started setting up housing, could they claim that territory, crater, or area? Perhaps, and yet, what government could rightfully grant the deed to that property? Good question.

Some believe that China wants to claim the Moon for itself, right after it takes Taiwan and the South China Sea perhaps? Anyway, there was an interesting and scary article posted to Space Review Online recently, written by Jeff Foust titled; "Fear of a Chinese Moon," appropriately on Halloween October 31, 2011. The article had a quote from Robert Bigelow stating; "I think nothing else the Chinese could possibly do in the next 15 years would cause as great a benefit for China" as claiming the Moon."

Okay so you are laughing now right, well don't because it would be right in-line with how China operates. And Robert Bigelow ought to know, as he owns the company that makes those inflatable space station habitats. Still the article points out that; "he's using the platform he has as one of the nation's leading space entrepreneurs to broadcast a warning about an unusual, even quixotic, threat to America's space ambitions: that China will, in effect, seize the Moon."

Well, nothing like putting the fear of god and a challenge out to the American Entrepreneurs to get with the program or relinquish that bygone opportunity to Red China, a Red Moon that is. Happy Halloween I say, that would be a cold-day in October indeed. Still, you think it couldn't happen? And what if it did, what if China claimed the Moon for herself along with its riches of diamonds, and Rare-Earth-Elements REEs, or rather AMEs Abundant Moon Elements? I dare to ask the question because Sci Fi authors have long since asked the questions in their many novels and movies. What if?

It only stands to reason that China might attempt to do this, as I am certain the Russians, or even our own nation, or at least some in our nation may have wanted to do previously. There is a lot of advantages to having a large solid platform like the moon available for a country's needs, wants, or even military ambitions, still, I am not going to make any conclusions here, as this article is merely to get you to think.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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