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November 11, 2011

How To Be Okay With Failing Your Way To Success

I know this is going to be difficult for most people, including myself but in order to help others the best thing we can do as entrepreneurs is express ourselves in a manner that makes us vulnerable. When others see us as being vulnerable and having our own fears, anxieties and daily struggles, they can relate to us better. Because guess what, no one has a perfectly rosy life. But we can strive for the rosy life we dream of.

The only way our lives will be what we desire is if we are willing to change. Change can happen for you. However, change requires that you have a certain level of understanding of a few principles.

First, you don't have to change others to make change happen for yourself. Stop saying to yourself things like, "Life would be better for me if I could just get them to motivate towards becoming and entrepreneur too." Or, "I know I could be a better person if my mentor would just hold my hand and do this for me."
Take control of yourself; stop blaming someone else for your fear. Continuing to believe that someone else is in control of you will only lead you to feeling depressed. If you're always trying to change others they will only become resentful towards you and they won't listen to you. Do what you have to do differently to help others see you as a leader for change. As you learn to make the change people will see your example and naturally want to follow and make the changes too.

As entrepreneurs we need to let go of the past. If we continue to hang onto our past we'll get stuck there. We may feel that we have no control of what's happened to us, maybe we've tried starting our own business before and failed. But we have to let that go in order to move forward to a brighter future. You must be willing to change unconditionally. Whatever it is you're clinging to in your past, take control of it, own it. Don't be the victim be the victor, take what you've learned and move forward.

Finally, making change for you means accepting a certain level of risk. Becoming an entrepreneur might raise some fearful questions in your head. "What if I make this investment and it doesn't work?" or "What if the economy tanks and my business doesn't launch?" Are we wrapped up in being right and comfortable or doing the right thing?

We may think that being predictable holds more security more happiness. But for me working an 8-5 job and taking the abuse of co-workers and bosses is not being happy. We all want security and comfort, but are we willing to give up our freedom and happiness to be under someone else's thumb and giving up our privilege of being an entrepreneur?

The biggest risk, is taking no risk at all. We all want an iron clad guarantee. The only guarantee is, change will happen. And change will happen the way you want it to as long as you act on it. Don't allow the fear of failing stop you! Fail your way to success and happiness. Think about it, lots of successful people had to deal with personal failure first. There are so many examples, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Janis Joplin...

Be consistent with your daily tasks and with certainty the changes you seek in your life to bring happiness and success will happen for you. There are things and people we can't control, but show your vulnerability in a way that others want to follow you in their quest for change and happiness.

Sydney Dinsmore are sick and tired of commuting 2-3 hours daily on a bumper to bumper freeway, only to be trapped in an office for 9-10 hours, spending more time at work with co-workers than family, having no time to give their son the attention he needs, dealing with the anxiety and stress of bosses demands... AND BEST OF ALL - Being made responsible for lying off almost 800 employees and friends after giving the company 12 years of dedication and loyalty. Now they've found the Step by Step System that they were looking for to make the kind of money that will take care of themselves and their family.

Check here to see what they found but only if you're sick and tired of worrying about being unemployed and you're ready to take control of your life, at

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