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February 29, 2012

What Form of Socio-Economic Structure Do We Need for a Space Colony?

Perhaps, you've played the computer game SimCity and designed your own city? It's amazing all the things you have to consider to get it right, for instance; transportation, education, distribution, living spaces, parks, stores, etc. - but what if you were designing a future space colony totally from scratch, and there were no deliveries for food or railroads to bring in supplies. Everything would have to be made, recycled, re-used, and prepared or manufactured on sight, and there would be scarcity for everything from the very beginning.

The other day, I was discussing this with an acquaintance, and I reasoned that as much as I decline to endorse communism in our modern world today on Earth, communism in a colony might be the best bet at least in the beginning because at the village level it works to keep things going. My acquaintance then stated;

"You say that communism is OK at village level, if we were to colonize other planets then surely communism would be the initial system to use as a colony would only be visit sites in the beginning, capitalism would be the end goal by as its starting point communism would be ideal."

Communism in the case of a space colony will still end up harvesting and harnessing the synergies of bartering. Capitalism's roots will emerge quickly, and as long as they are allowed to grow, the problem will solve itself. This is when my acquaintance got to thinking and added;

"Perhaps some thought needs to be put into a Financial System that works in stages matching the development of the colony EG communism for one colony as a colony grows to two or three villages introduce a basic form of capitalism, when there's 100 villages Bringing capitalism as an example."

I agree, the most important thing is "very basic" framework and little if any micromanagement, capitalism, that is to say free-market capitalism is best organically grown. It might be possible to control the flow of capitalism in the beginning, but it is nearly impossible once it gets going to control every single transaction, nor would you want to. Okay so, maybe originally jobs will be assigned based on skills, and as things get moving, bartering, trading, and the basic elements of capitalism could be allowed to flourish and allow for future abundance in a semi-Utopian motif.

Please consider all this and think on it. Consider our future in space and off-world planets, as we boldly go, and the future unfolds.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Space Colonies. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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