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November 15, 2011

Beware of Left Leaning Politicians Promising to Create Jobs in America

Sometimes, I chuckle when I watch left-leaning socialist thinking podium pushing politicians get up and tell the TV audience by Teleprompter that they are going to introduce a plan to create jobs. The reality is that a socialist thinking politician cannot create jobs in a capitalist free market system. Those two views of politics are diametrically opposed in every regard. In fact, it's such hypocrisy, and so ridiculous, apparently no one can see the obvious. Okay so, now that I've got your attention, and you've already decided that you love me or hate me, let me explain.

Not long ago, I was reading an interesting article the Wall Street Journal it was well written piece published on October 28, 2011 and it was an editorial piece by John Bussey. His article was titled "Our Companies Responsible for Creating Jobs?" And attached to the article was a picture of protesters at the park in New York City's financial district which they had taken over and occupied. The article had an interesting paragraph quoting Milton Friedman, and another one quoting Howard Schultz the CEO of Starbucks, and how they were hiring people to expand their business, and also to help get America back to work.

However, I would like to remind you that the CEO of Starbucks, obviously a nice guy, who really cares, but he has an ulterior motive. He wants to look like the good guy, and since his business is expanding and hiring people, he is using that to promote his brand. More power to him, and I am a fan of Starbucks, and have read all of his books, good for him.

Nevertheless, I was also listening to the Internet radio and a show coming from Raleigh-Durham North Carolina where a far left-leaning Democrat got on the radio talk show and was explaining that it was up to businesses to hire people so everyone would have a job, so then they can go and buy stuff from the businesses so in-turn they can hire more people. That was her answer to creating jobs. Well, to that I say; thanks a lot lady, thanks for your input, that you are asking businesses to do the work for you, then you aren't needed as a politician to create jobs.

In fact, it is the left-leaning socialist type regulations which are strangling America, growing the bureaucracy, and causing our economy to sputter. It is so ironic that she would offer this up as a solution, almost demanding that businesses hire more people, or she was going to put the screws to them with higher taxes. Sometimes I just wish that we would teach free-market capitalism, financial literacy, and common sense in our schools. Maybe then we wouldn't have so many politicians that clearly don't know what they're talking about. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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