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November 13, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions About One of The Vital Success Principles

Successful people know that one of the vital requisites to success, and indeed, that one of the most important success principles is the ability to be flexible and to be open to change. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions that underpin our fear of change. I have heard these all from many people, of different ages and callings and gender.

What if I don't have what it takes?

Many people use a "victim" approach here and find excuses for why they should not change. It could be, "I don't have the education," or " I never had a good start in life" or maybe, "I couldn't earn more than my parents." I have heard numerous "excuses," from talented as well as less talented people stating that, impossible for them. It is essential that you take responsibility for your life situation. This is not an easy step, but if you do this, you can start to do something about changing it.

Will I fail if I change my job?

This is a classic excuse that people use and if you are serious about learning Success Principles, you must learn to overcome this fear. Failure, is nothing else but a learning mechanism. It really is the same as feedback. Think of how many times Edison tried to make an electric light bulb. He tried a thousand times before he achieved success. He never believed that he had had failures. They were just initial attempts toward a final goal. Any scientist knows that failure is just a step towards success. There is no one who is not a success now, who has not failed many times.

Is everyone right when they tell me not to change?

If you believe this, it means that you have been surrounding yourself with the wrong people. Many of us have had negative programming. We have heard parents or relatives say, "You should not try to do that. Stick with what you are doing, it is safer. It's too risky to branch out." Unfortunately, a major part of the population have not applied the success principles and are dissatisfied with their lives and occupation. That is a very sad fact. It means that a musician is striving to be a business man and a deep-sea fisherman is striving to be a lawyer and a teacher is striving to be an electrician and a journalist is striving to be a maths teacher! What a bleak picture this paints and it is such a waste of human resources.

Is it too late for me to change?

I have even heard young people of 25 saying that it is too late for them to change. They have told me, "I only did that university degree because I did not know what to do when I left school. I can't go back and do something else now. It is too late." With this attitude, many a person has chosen to go through the rest of his life dissatisfied, in a job that he dislikes intensely or maybe hates. This, all because they were "too old" at 25 to change.

Take a stand and release that musician in you, or that interior decorator. Let these prisoners escape! Never forget that change is one of the vital success principles and to find your happiness you must have the ability and also courage, to change.

The Manifestation Secret is vital for your success as well as the Quantum Law of Attraction

M.Elena Rogers has had extensive experience in the University, Education Field, in different countries, including Australia, U.K. and Italy and now is a recognized expert in Success Strategies.

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