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November 18, 2011

Start Your Day With A Personal Success Ritual In 4 Easy Steps

Every person should have a morning success ritual. People that have morning success rituals are more productive, happier and healthier. I know you want to improve the quality of your life, so I am going to give you a blueprint on how to create your personal morning ritual and convert it into a habit.

First, you want to wake up a little bit early, because your ritual will be around 90 minutes long.

Step 1: When you wake up, first thing you need to do is to drink a half liter of water. This is even before you wash your teeth. Your body is dehydrated in the morning so you need that water to start a productive day.

Step 2: Now is the time to work out a little. It`s better to exercise in the morning, because it increases your heart rate, and you will have much more energy during the day. Try to exercise for about 30 minutes. If you exercise later in the day you will feel tired and your productivity level will drop.

Step 3: After your work out you should eat breakfast. Think about the food you eat in the morning. There is a reason why breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You have to eat rich nutritious food in the morning so you will feel better and have more energy. Your breakfast should include whole grains, low fat protein, low fat dairy and fruits. I suggest you consult this with a professional nutritionist.

Step 4: After breakfast clean your teeth and do your usual routine in the bathroom. It is important that you brush your teeth after the morning meal. When you are done in the bathroom, try to meditate. You don`t need to learn advanced meditation techniques. I just want you to focus on your breathing. Close your eyes and only concentrate on your breathing. Five seconds for one inhale, and five seconds for one exhale. This is a basic but very effective exercise for building concentration. Don`t feel bad if you will have a ton of different thoughts running in your head. That is what happens when you start with meditation. Do it every day and you will get better, and you will be able to focus for a longer periods of time.

It is important that you do this every day. It takes around 30 days to develop a new habit. If you miss one day, don`t feel bad, do it immediately the next day. I know there are some things here that you don`t like to do. But if you turn this things into habits, you will become more productive and enjoy a successful life. Repetition is key to success.

Take control of your life and turbocharge your productivity. make a positive change with these secrets to a productive and successful life.

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