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November 2, 2011

Why We Sabotage Ourselves

Most of us know exactly what to do to make a million dollars. Ideas for doing so flow through each of our minds every single day. We join companies, talk to strangers and friends, go forward with everything we have, and somehow we fall short. We don't follow through with the idea, we don't continue down the path, we don't do what we know is necessary to succeed. I'm talking about money here but really this pertains to every aspect of our lives.

So why aren't you succeeding?

What holds you back from your goal?

Most of us have heard of The Secret. That idea that if you think about it long enough and hard enough the universe will bring it to you. You want to know the real secret behind that secret?

It's so simple you won't want to believe it. Here it goes:

No matter how much you want it, or how often you think about whatever it is you want it will not happen for you until you feel you deserve it. You can lie to yourself all you want, convince your conscious mind that this is working and you still will not see the results you want.

That subconscious voice everyone always tells you to turn down is still there, and beneath all the positive thinking, beneath the "I can do this" attitude, and the smiles, that voice still whispers. "No you can't. You aren't good enough. You don't deserve this."

So how do you get through to that subconscious mind, that part of yourself that keeps you trapped in a world where you aren't satisfied, in a place where you long for more? How can you change the way you feel about something?

Is it even possible?


Standing between you and your business (relationship, goal, etc.) are your feelings. I'll give you an example.

For me speaking to people makes my lungs seize, my stomach flip, a cold sweat breaks out over my hands, and I begin to stutter. It takes me a full year of knowing someone before I'm comfortable enough that I can talk to them without stuttering. Even then I have the tendency to keep my opinions to myself and never say anything unless I absolutely have to. So between me and talking to others is FEAR and uncertainty. I have never been able to think these away, telling myself they are irrational. I have pictured the perfect conversation in my mind a million times, and still I cannot bring it to pass... until last month.

What changed?

I learned a simple trick that will take you no more than 5 minutes to learn. If you use it, it can change your life forever. I learned to access that subconscious part of myself.

Want to know how?

Focus for a moment on that place just two inches below your belly button. Place two fingers on it and lightly press down. Acknowledge what is in your way, what stops you from being able to work your business (relationship, etc.). Now, breathe in through your nose pulling that air down into your belly, lifting your fingers, hold for a second and breathe out and hold it for a second. Repeat. Don't fight the feelings you have, just accept them. As you acknowledge those feelings, continue to breathe. Do this for 15 minutes a day and those feelings will slowly diminish, until they disappear completely.

I did this for 4 days and then got up and gave an hour-long presentation without stuttering once. I was promised a transformation in 30 days as my pathway started to smooth out, and those things I wanted began to come. I've seen the transformation take place in 2 weeks, and I wouldn't give it up for the world.

Conquer your fears, improve your life.

Change your life and become more productive. Learn how for FREE

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