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November 2, 2011

The Need for the Second Amendment

Since the beginning of our country, the second amendment has continuously been under fire. There are always going to be people who think the private citizen shouldn't have guns and be allowed to defend themselves. As much as they are entitled to their own opinion, they are erroneous in their thinking.

They believe a well regulated militia is something akin to our National Guard, and this militia is the one chosen to protect us. Even though the National Guard's objective is to protect the citizenry, in the days of our founding, every male citizen was a part of the militia and as a result it was the private citizen who had the right to bear arms. Any one thinks about it rationally realizes that living in a society where only government employees have guns would not be a good thing. This thinking displays no distrust of our military, but shows a knowledge of how thinking of this kind could lead to disaster.

Our right to bear arms is one of our basic rights, it insures our freedom, the first thing an oppressive government does is take away the arms of its people, thereby rendering them defenseless. The government can then do whatever it wants without fear of reprisal.

Even under the most ideal circumstances, we really can't depend on the government for our personal protection. As well meaning and efficient as the local law enforcement authorities may be, they simply can't be every place at the same time.

Suppose someone breaks into your house, in almost every case it is going to take the law enforcement officers at least ten minutes to arrive at your humble abode, what are you going to do in the mean time, sit down and have tea and crumpets with your intruder?

This is something most people never think about and rightfully so, it is something many people don't like to face. No one wants to confront a criminal, it is much easier for some one else to do it for us. The problem is, in most cases, there is no one else. If we don't do it, no one will, and people we know and love, including ourselves can wind up hurt or killed.

This doesn't sound like a very good option to me. Ask the career criminal what they most fear, the number one fear is the homeowner having a firearm, the second fear is a dog, and the third fear is they may call the police. Calling the police is way down the list as the criminal knows that by the time the police arrive, the chances are pretty good, they will be long gone.

Many times the homeowner will have a small sign stating they have one of the major security systems installed when they really don't, all they have is a sign. I think an even better sign would be stating,"This property insured by Smith and Wesson." This would deter even more crime. Most times the weapon never has to be used, most criminal are cowards, the threat is more than enough to drive them away.

My blog contains many articles based on the common sense of my ancestors, much of which has been lost in today's world. I feel to survive as a country and a world, we all need to start living by some of the values that have in time been lost.


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