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December 1, 2011

Interesting Facts About The American Alligator

The American alligator has been present on earth since the times of the dinosaurs, who have been extinct for around 65 million years. Hence, this makes the American alligator an ancient predator that lives in swamps, lakes, rivers and marshes in the south eastern parts of the United States. It is a freshwater reptile that hibernates during winter. It was made into the official state reptile of Florida in the year 1987, and is also the mascot of University of Florida. Besides Florida, this species of alligator is also found in Georgia, Alabama, Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas, Carolina and Louisiana.

A male American alligator can grow anywhere from 3.4 meters to 4.5 meters in length, while the female can be 2.5 meters to 3 meters. Nearly half the length of the alligator is on account of its long and powerful tail. An adult American alligator can be olive, gray, brown or almost black in color, while a hatchling is usually black with yellow stripes.

The American alligator is a carnivore that hunts fish, snakes, birds, small mammals and turtles. However, it is also known to eat carrion at times, especially when there is a shortage of prey. Hatchlings usually live on insects, tadpoles, small fish and frogs.

A hatchling reaches sexual maturity by the time it is 8 to 13 years. Mating takes place in spring, in the months of April and May. The male will attract the females by making bellowing sounds, and at times, it may also use infrasound. After mating, the female lays between 25 and 60 eggs in a nest. The nest is made by the female using vegetation and leaves. The female then covers the eggs with more vegetation and leaves to ensure that the eggs are kept at optimum temperature for hatching.

Temperature at which an alligator egg hatches determines the sex of the hatchling. If the temperature is between 90 and 93 degrees Fahrenheit, then the hatchling will be a male, while the hatchling will be a female if the temperature is between 82 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Any temperature that is in between, will result in a mix of male and female.

At birth, a baby American alligator is around six to eight inches in length. It is completely independent, but it stays with the mother for around 2 years.

The lifespan of an American alligator is around 30 to 35 years in the wild. In captivity, the lifespan increases to more than 50 years.

About Author:
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in animal care. He also offers top quality articles like:
Crocodile And Alligator, Florida Alligator Laws

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