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November 1, 2011

The Constitution, an Awakening?

Is there an awakening to the importance of the Constitution? We have come to a breaking point in our country where every citizen has that feeling in his gut that things are wrong, very wrong, but after decades of the good life, conditioning by the mainstream media and our politicians that the government has our best interests, the masses are clueless to what the overall problems are and what they can do about it.

We see a totally dysfunctional movement of "Occupy Wall Street" composed of well meaning individuals all attempting to voice their 'demands', while having no concept of what their demands accomplish and the unintended consequences they would unleash. Meanwhile, political action groups, that normally are part of the real problem are infiltrating and are steering the movement towards goals in-amicable to improving anything.

What the people have witnessed is an incremental erosion of their prosperity and their inalienable rights, freedoms and property that were supposed to be protected by the Constitution but have been abridged by a government influenced by an oligarchy of bankers and big corporate monopolies that control through special interest bribes of the elected. This incremental erosion has accelerated in the last decade shredding liberty and enabling blatant, unpunished criminality to flourish on Wall Street and banking institutions.

Unfortunately, with today's hectic pace, the myriads of distractions and circus atmosphere created by the media and the perpetual dumbing down of the masses though the controlled educational process, the reliance on 'talking heads' of the media and political figures, the citizens are confused as to how we got into the financial mess we are in.

Our Constitutional Republic and limited government philosophy that allowed freedom and ownership of the fruits of their value production, vaulted this country to the most prosperous nation the world had ever experienced. The poorest of our nation lived with a standard of living higher than the 'rich' in many other nations.

We now see a systematic impoverishment of the United States, especially the middle class and a concentration of wealth in the hands of a few that are the already super affluent. This is becoming apparent to the masses and anger is boiling up, while they are ignorant of the root causes.

Fortunately, ignorance can be cured and many are taking a second look at our Constitution and are seeing past the misconceptions and denigration that the controlled media and even some of our institutions of higher learning imply.

When one realizes the prime mission of the Federal government under the Constitution is the protection of the inalienable rights, freedoms and property of the INDIVIDUAL, one can see how far afield the federal government has strayed from its legitimate role.

Just read the Constitution, the language is simple and straight forward:


The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

All the myriads of laws instituted by the federal government since 1913 are outside the constitutional charter as they have not been ratified by the necessary ¾ of the states. This same year, the Federal Reserve, a corporation owned by a cartel of powerful banking institutions was created, which incrementally and systematically eroded the value of the dollar, thus stealing over 97% of the nation's money wealth through their control of the dollar.

The truth is that our government is controlled by an oligarchy of bankers and big corporate monopolies that rule by special interest bribes of your elected and appointed representatives. No wonder the playing field of business has been skewed to favor these criminals and are forcing the citizens into perpetual debt slavery through the destruction of our dollar, bailouts of the guilty and enormous transfers of our money to domestic and foreign banks.

As people begin to do their own research into the facts and discover what the Constitution is, what it does and the impact of our representatives violating their oath of office to obey and protect that magnificent blueprint of checks and balances, will they discover that it was our liberty that made this country prosperous. A return to that paradigm can only come about when sufficient people realize this fact and exercise their control over their elected.

Since congress has abdicated their constitutional duty to declare war since WWII, all 'skirmishes' that America has been involved in are unconstitutional, have cost trillions of dollars, killed tens of thousands of our brave soldiers and millions of innocents. The end result has diminished the world's perception of America as a peace loving nation and has created animosity and terrorist retribution. In the eyes of many, our actions are viewed as imperialistic terrorism.

We have the opportunity in the 2012 elections to ignore the two party monopoly and elect representatives that will honor their oath of office to obey and protect the Constitution and reject the bribes from special interests. We no longer need to settle for the evils of the two lessors.

We have a viable, constitutionalist presidential candidate, Ron Paul that although popular with anyone knowledgeable with his consistent and ethical performance as a congressman is marginalized by his own party and the mainstream media as he does not fit the neocon mold that is controlled by the military/industrial complex which is a powerful arm of the banker/corporate oligarchy. We need to identify and elect statesmen of his caliber and rid us of professional career politicians.

We also need to work at the local level to instill constitutional boundaries and lead by example pushing constitutional principles up through county and state governments thus reinforcing constitutional principles nationwide.

If we once again follow the Constitutional blueprint of checks and balances and level the playing field of fair and free trade and maintain money that retains its value over time, we will restore prosperity and regain the concept of the American Dream.

Eugene Garner is a retired Aerospace engineer (rocket scientist) that worked to make reality do our bidding. He retired in disgust seeing all the evil perpetrated in the world under the guise of national security. He learned quickly that secrecy and classified information is only to prevent "we the people" from learning what is being done in their name. If it is secret, you know they're up to no good.

After retirement he turned his attention to US history, our founding fathers, the Declaration of Independence, Constituency and Bill of Rights, the Federalist and anti Federalist papers.

I heartily recommend as your political ally. They are consistently focused on Constitutional principles and the inalienable rights and freedoms of the individual. Join and support them.

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