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August 2, 2011

July: A Whole Month of Happiness and Wellbeing

July is the seventh month of the year and is named after Julius Caesar. This month there really is a reason to be happy as International Happiness Day is celebrated. As such I will provide you with some simple tips to help you not only celebrate this day, but to be used at any time. We also have International Joke Day this month, so hopefully this will put a smile on your face. In some parts of the world, Christmas in July is celebrated. As such, I will discuss the idea of blending old traditions with new, thereby creating your own, more contented life.

Get happy

I could provide you with hundreds of happiness tips, giving you ideas to celebrate International Happiness Day. In fact, if you understand a few ideas about happiness, you could probably come up with some of your own. For example, the fact that you can choose to be happy, happiness can be learned, happiness is letting go of the past and not making wild predictions about the future. Happiness is making the most of the here and now, is nothing to feel guilty about and there is always enough to go round. What steps would you take to put these ideas into practise? Whilst you are thinking, I will offer you a few tips to get you started.

1 Switch off the television. Spend the time instead doing something that engages you and absorbs your energies.

2 Do something for other people. There's a lot of research that supports the link between helping others and happiness. You don't have to volunteer at a charity helping out strangers (although it would be great if you did). You can just do nice things for your family, friends and work colleagues.

3 Learn something new. Not sure how to spend your time instead of watching television? Then give something new a try. It will give you a new lease on life, help you overcome boredom and get you out of any rut you are in. It can be anything you like.

4 Have a good night's sleep. Try to ensure you always have the energy to enjoy your life. One of the best ways is through sleep.

5 Have a belly laugh. International Joke Day should help you with this.

Knock knock

Who's there?
Archie Who?

I'm not very good at telling jokes, but I do like to hear or read them. If you're after a quick mood boost, seek out a joke. You will be sure to find something that amuses you. Reading jokes may seem a frivolous thing to do, but is a great way of relieving stress. It's an easy way to bring on some laughs and allow you to recognise that life doesn't have to be all serious. Laughter helps you relax, boosts the immune system, eases pain and is a great way to bring people together.

Since this month in International Joke Day, use this as an opportunity to share your favourite jokes with others. And if you're like me and are not good at telling of jokes, you can always add your favourite to facebook for your friends to read.

Flexible traditions

When I first moved to Australia, come June or July, it always felt like Christmas to me. The time of year evoked strong memories for me, helped mostly by cold winter days. It was early on that I learned about Christmas in July and assumed the celebration was an Australian tradition for those people who had formerly lived in the northern hemisphere. A chance to indulge their senses -- eating mince pies and sipping mulled wine, whilst it was cold outside. Turns out I was wrong. Research has shown that it has a long history and it did not start in Australia.

However, it didn't matter to me. Early on I did celebrate my own Christmas in July. Past traditions were difficult to shake and perhaps I didn't have to. It connected me to my past. However, as the years have passed Christmas in December has been an opportunity for me to create new traditions, which are fitting to my home here. Because it is okay to create new traditions that you can honour year after year. Things change, and holding on to the past may no longer work for you, even if it is all you have known.

Remember, traditions are created by people -- whether at a family or societal level. There's something nice about combining old traditions with new. It keeps you connected in a small way to your past, but allows you to be at ease with your present.


This year, introduce a new tradition into your house. Make a pledge to do it every year and soon it will be part of your life and something you look forward to.


Every month there is a reason to be happy.

Copyright Julia Barnard

Julia Barnard is an author and qualified counsellor living in Adelaide, Australia. You can discover more ways to be happy and healthy by reading her free ebook: 50 Ways to Increase Your Happiness

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