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August 15, 2011

How to Recognize That True Happiness Comes From the Inside

This is how to recognize that true happiness comes from the inside. Your thoughts and feelings determine your mood. Happiness has to come from the inside.The news is almost always bad. Crime, war and bad weather make the headlines. Everything outside of you is in turmoil. The recession makes it worse.

Wither you recognize it or not, your attitude determines happiness or unhappiness. A poor outlook on life creates unhappiness. A good outlook contributes to true happiness. This is how. Control your attitude and you control your outlook on life. Controlling you attitude requires controlling your thoughts.

Control your thoughts by looking on the bright side. Looking on the dark side makes it worse.

Optimists are usually successful. Pessimists are usually not successful.This tells us that attitude is everything. It is imperative that you learn to control your thoughts. We all have positive and negative thoughts. We just have to put them into perspective. Negative thoughts warn of danger, so they have to be counteracted with positive plans to avoid the danger.

Happiness or unhappiness is the way you look at life. Learn to look at the bright side, because the dark side will cause failure. This is how to proceed: Listen to what your negative thoughts are telling you, recognize the danger and fix the weaknesses. It is a game of dwelling on the positive and being thankful for the counsel of the negative warnings.

If you look at it this way, you can get the best of both worlds. Don't let negative thoughts scare you, let them guide you out of trouble. There will be tough times when nothing seems to go right. Everyone goes through difficulties. Recognize that the tougher it is, the closer you are to your goal. Hang in there and you will achieve success. True happiness comes from self confidence and a positive outlook.

Refuse to dwell on unhappy thoughts. Think about the good times you had with the one you love. Remember the thrill of finding your soul mate. The most joyous times of life are when you are with loved ones and friends. This gladness of heart radiates from inside your being. Loving others as you do yourself fulfills the golden rule of the Bible.

There is something more that comes from inside. Everyone has things they love to do. It gives them pleasure and ignites their passion. Nothing outside of you can match it. Using the abilities that are gifts of God is a special connection to him. It gives you the peace that overrides the roar of everyday life that threatens your sanity. This inner peace comes from Jesus if you are one of his. It is there regardless of circumstances.

This is how to recognize that true happiness comes from the inside. You are not the center of the universe. You are not responsible for the outside turmoil. You are just responsible for your own peace of mind and family obligations.

Do what you do best, enjoy your loved ones and let the world go its way. A positive outlook will keep you secure in your own peace of mind.

Jesus said, "In the world you have trouble and suffering, but take courage-I have conquered the world" (John 16:33). Those who believe that Jesus is the son of God have overcome the world (First John 5:4). You may not feel like a conqueror, but it is not based on feelings but heavenly assurance.

Christians are happy people because they have received the gift of the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of salvation (Ephesians 1:14). This was promised in Acts 2:38. If you are not a Christian, you do not have the peace that Jesus gives. The world cannot understand it because it is not based on physical circumstances but heavenly assurance. The Book, "Climbing the heavenly Stairs," explains the path to salvation and makes clear the benefits of being in Christ.

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