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August 18, 2011

Dolce Far Niente: 4 Great Ways So You Take Life Easy and Don't Force Things

Dolce Far Niente means "pleasant inactivity". Does it bring images and sensations to you, the sweetness of doing nothing and being in your right to do so? It certainly does to me!

What can bring you the Dolce Far Niente Way of Life? To have more fun and get on doing what you love without sweating it too much. You too can take time apart from your busy life and savor it plenty with those 4 easy ways:

1. Savor the pleasures of life

Discover, or rediscover, what fun in life is. Do activities that engage all the senses and develop them further. Also, try news things, you might like them!

Savoring life fully means in addition responding to your basic needs in a complete way, because craving something won't put you at rest. Answer all your needs, such as love, security and self-esteem. Get rid of needs that are superfluous so you have more time and energy to take it slow.

2. Slow your pace

Find out ways to have more free time each day. Can you take work to home, where you can save time on traffic and constant coworker's interruption? Other ways to slow your routine is to procrastinate at times, report on next weeks what you would be in a rush to do right now, have fewer activities on your schedule, take time to be with people you care about everyday and/or take time for a long bath.

3. Don't worry

By worrying and bothering about everything you're wasting time and energy over things you can't most of the time control or that don't really matter. If you worry you keep your body in a tense way, you can't relax, and you make a bigger issue out of it. Sometimes, thing can arrange by themselves. Also, if you take your time you can find another way around or become more detached to figure it out.

4. Go with the flow

Picture your life as a river. Are you bumping into each rock, slowing yourself from progress, or do you easily find a way around it to get where you need to be? When you're stuck, figure out if it's a challenge or a blockage showing you another way.

You might be in the right direction, what you want to do might be the next step but you're not ready yet. For example, for my career, I was trying so hard to figure out what to do with my life that being an author almost jumped in face - I was one before I realized I was. I was really good at school, writing all my life and enjoying reading, as well as loving sociological readings and writing as a journalist. It just all came together some day but I could have arrived to it sooner having taken it easy.

So if you're stuck, just relax, meditate and continue to look for what interests you truly, you'll have clues sooner than you think and enjoy life more!

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P.S. You want to get amazing tips on being happy and doing what you love? Get the rest of the free crash course along with the free ezine loaded with information, scoops and freebies at

Marie-Eve Boudreault
You want to use an article for your ezine, blog or website? You can! As long as you include this with it:
Marie-Eve Boudreault is a sociologist, the author of ebooks and of the website on how to Be Happy and Do What You Love, including a crash course, a ezine and other useful articles. You can receive her free ezine and crash course on the subject at

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