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August 20, 2011

You Never Step Into The Same River Twice (Every Moment Is Precious)

Life is precious and each moment is like stepping into a new river of ever fresh and differently flowing water. So, this article starts with that sentiment. Time does not wait for anyone in objective existence? Well, if you perceive the statement I made in the first sentence as a reality, well you agree with my article so far. Keep reading, you may yet get something out of it. We all step into the river of existence with each breath and each moment is never the same in any way, it never matters how alike the action may be to three breaths before, it is never the same, ever.

So, there is an answer to every "why" there is, and it is a good thing to find out those answers productively using each unique moment instead of sitting in denial of the need to find out. Yes, I did say need and mean it genuinely.

So, what is the real point of this article, there is not any time to genuinely sleep when we are awake. Each moment should be used uniquely, efficiently, effectively and productively to understand and master each subsequent moment in life and existence. Conscious beings cannot subsist on the past or the future, they can only swim in the river now. After all, only animals and lower beings genuinely exist in the past after they are fossils almost as unconscious as their existence when they were alive, they have the same unconscious future. But, only consciousness has a choice as to how it will exist genuinely past, present or future. Happy, sad or indifferent, consciousness has a genuine choice.

Sure, I could make the point less plain and less realistically pointed. But, I would be making a sacrifice of meaning and substance or more accurately, quantity over quality. So, there is a choice, and a rational sacrifice of effort payment and benefit (in that order) in the now if we want to live in the now successfully with our consciousness.

Realistically speaking, is that not the rational reality of all situations, pay then benefit or am I wrong, "there is a free lunch for anyone who does not make the payment grade." What I mean is, it comes down to what we can rationally handle. Instead of "what you see is what you get"; "what you can handle is what you meet." It is up to you and you only, for you as it is up to me and me only, for me in that sense. For life is composed of many concepts, life is a total package of reality and little else ultimately. Deduce from that saying what you will in the sentence before this, but know that reality starts out a fantasy like space travel and car travel beyond the horse and buggy was a mere hundred years ago and how the "fantasies" of that sort become reality later on through conceptual evolution. The fiction and unbelievable of today becomes the normal reality of tomorrow, and so it goes.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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