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August 23, 2011

What Are the Psychological Ramifications of Long Term Human Hibernation?

Imagine going to sleep for many decades and when you wake up, most all of your friends have passed on, and you've missed a good chunk of human history. When you go back to where you used to live everything has changed. You don't know how to drive the new flying planes, which by the way drive themselves, and your knowledge, education, experience, and career resume are basically; obsolete.

Now what you ask yourself?

If you think this scenario is hypothetical, think again, as human science is almost there, within 2-3 decades it will be entirely possible. Okay so, you might not care too much for psychologists, but if you think suicide rates are tough on returning soldiers, just think if you come back out of your deep sleep and you have no friends, very little family, or great-great-great grandchildren whose parents you never knew and whose grandparents were merely babies when you checked out.

Why would you volunteer for such a long-term sleep?

Well, what if you were traveling to a distant part of the solar system, or to another solar system and back, sleeping both ways, during the trip? Yep, that would be a trip wouldn't it? What if you had a disease and scientists hadn't yet discovered the cure and once they did they woke up some 50,000 of you all with the same disease and cured you and then back into society you go!

Can you see how this will one day be the reality?

Since there aren't enough psychologists, they now use avatars and computer systems. So you will be talking to a virtual friend, instead of a real human to help you through your psychological trauma, or getting you readjust to society. But now in 2184 the society is nothing like it was, and the social network with all your friends, and your virtual trends that you agreed to have join your webpage, aren't the same either. Instead they install a microchip into your brain, and you are allowed to do thought-swapping.

However, in this day and age of 2184 everything is very politically correct.

Some thoughts are not allowed, and to help you re-adjust, you are only allowed to think to your avatar friends, and you can create as many as you wish, but you're not ready to deal with regular humans yet, because the regular humans you used to know are now all slightly modified, everything has changed.

The world has changed a lot since you been gone.

In fact, everyone who is woken up is put on suicide watch, and your thoughts are monitored in case you might harm yourself, so all the thoughts you share with your avatar going to a central computer. If you start thinking about such thoughts the authorities show up at your door to protect you from yourself, by taking you away. Even though now that you are 100% perfectly healthy and young again, you have new energy, and it feels great, even if you are all alone in a brave new but troubling time.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.

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