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August 20, 2011

Conducting A Successful Interview

With the exception of communications majors, most college students might think that interviewing skills are not essential in their intended study, so why bother learning them? No matter what degree program you are in, interviewing is an excellent means to collect vital information for various class assignments like research papers, news articles, or persuasive essays. Understanding the guidelines for planning and conducting an interview can help you become an expert interviewer.

Being an exceptional interviewer requires two things: efficient planning and accomplished interviewing skills. The first thing to do is to make your introduction and set a convenient appointment for the interview. Be sure to arrive on time. Your credibility is lost, if your first impression is one of being late for an appointment you initiated.

Planning your interview is just as important as conducting the interview. Your questions are the most important element of the interview. Use the five W's - who, what, where, when, and why, as well as how when developing questions. Also, brainstorm for unique questions to asks. Think of questions the subject may have never been asked. Avoid "yes" or "no" questions, as they offer no real insight.

Conducting an interview encompasses several elements. At the start of the interview, extend your thanks for the appointment and state your purpose for the interview. Then, delve right into to asking your questions. Give the subject time to express him or herself. Remain courteous and honored for the opportunity to interview. If the subject goes off track, bring the interview back inline tactfully.

Make it a point to ask follow-up questions. This makes a statement that you are listening carefully. Follow-up questions can generate additional detailed information or take the interview in a whole different direction that may be of interest to you. Also, when listening, ask for examples or for a clear explanation of a particular answer. This is another strategy to evoke more and/or new information.

Take accurate notes. If you can, use a tape recorder, with the interviewee's permission. You may want to quote important facts or comments, so ask for the person's permission to use the information as a quote. Then, write the quotation exactly as spoken. Do not paraphrase in your own words; be sure to use quotation marks so you will know it is an exact quote.

Once the interview is over, thank the person for his or her time and helpful information. Immediately review the notes to fill in any gaps and to be sure they are clearly written, as it may be a few days before you use the notes for the assignment. Send a follow-up thank-you note, by U.S. Postal Service, to the interviewee.

Conducting an interview requires planning and execution. Students who pursue an online college education from online schools, as well as those who attend campus-based ones, should graduate with the necessary skills to conduct a proper interview. Those who are equipped with interview guidelines can easily master the art of interviewing. Part one includes preparation; part two involves asking questions. Once students get acquainted with the interview process, they might find this means of research to be a favorite way to collect information.

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