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August 27, 2011

The Obama Administration Says They Will Create Jobs - I Have a Better Idea

It seems to me that the American people are being brainwashed by the media into thinking that the government, the Federal Reserve, and the Obama Administration are the only ones who can bring jobs back to America. That is absolutely blasterdash and poppycock. You see, it is not government that creates jobs, it is the private sector. Now then, I'd like to discuss this with you for a moment, in case you think you might disagree based on what you've heard in the media or the Teleprompter Routines spoken by the commander-in-chief.

President Obama would have us believe that the Obama Administration has a bullet proof plan to create jobs and reduce unemployment. Well, I have a better idea for the Administration, so let me explain. Rather than having the Obama Administration create jobs for us, and create new industries for America, maybe they might reduce regulations, delete ObamaCare, and call off the regulatory attack dogs so that we can have back all the industries they either hijacked or inadvertently destroyed?

There was a great little article and statement in the Wall Street Journal on August 18, 2011 in the Notable and Quotable Section which was a repeat of a speech by Warren Buffet's son Howard Buffet who had quoted a piece from the December 1956 issue of the "Freeman" and stated the challenges of the government grabbing hold of production rather than allowing the free-market to do it's magic. "Oh how history repeats," I say.

The reality is our nation has worked well because we believed in free markets, we believed in capitalism, and we demanded our liberty and freedom. That includes the right to choose, the right to pursue happiness, the right to free contract, and it comes with it the responsibility and the unfortunate reality that you can't have true success without failure. If we start believing that only the government can provide jobs, they will grab a hold of the money flows, capital flows, and production of our free-market system.

Now then, if the federal government cannot even mind its own affairs, live within its means, or balance its budget then how one Earth can we expect them to guarantee us that they can provide us jobs with some special plan that they concocted? They've never been able to do it before, they can't even handle their own affairs, and they keep running out of money because they have to borrow 40% of every dollar they spend. They spend 45% of everything they put out in the administration of those services.

The last thing we want them to do is meddle in the affairs of businessmen and women in the free-market system. The Obama Administration cannot provide jobs for America, it doesn't know how, it would be utterly ridiculous for us to ditch what works in the free-market, for some sort of hope and change that America will be better off as a socialist nation, with its industries nationalized. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 24,500 articles by August 24th or 25th will be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..

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