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August 27, 2011

Fascist Taxpayers Neglecting Our Children

Apparently Florida is going to start drug testing welfare recipients. And someone on Facebook actually stated that he thinks they should take it a step further and test for alcohol and nicotine and cell phones because drugs, alcohol, nicotine, and phones are "social items" that HE as a tax payer shouldn't support if those welfare recipients can't pay for the roofs over their heads and the food in their mouths, etc.

I am SO SICK OF FASCIST TAXPAYERS. To all you fascists: why don't you think of the CHILDREN of the welfare recipients? What happens when a welfare mom gets drug tested and comes up hot for drugs? Are you going to rip the child out of the home and put them in the overcrowded foster care system, thus spending MORE taxpayer dollars for THAT? Or are you going to just not give that mom assistance and let her children starve and live on the street? It's ONE OR THE OTHER, SO MAKE UP YOUR MIND. THINK OF THE CHILDREN.

You fascist taxpayers do not know many welfare recipients apparently or you wouldn't be fascist. I AM a recipient of your tax paying dollars. MANY single moms are and often it is because our TAXPAYING MEN have abandoned us and left US with the CHILDREN. And I don't smoke the pot but if I DID I would be getting it FOR FREE from a TAXPAYER because I can't afford such "social items." So don't worry, FASCIST TAXPAYERS: IF I BECOME A DRUG ADDICT I WILL MAKE SURE TO TAKE YOUR DRUGS RATHER THAN PAY FOR THEM WITH YOUR MONEY THAT GETS FILTERED TO ME THROUGH THE HUD AND FOODSTAMPS I RECEIVE.

There are so, so many beautiful, thoughtful, loving, intelligent, empathetic, wise people that have come from welfare homes, and yes: even welfare homes in which the parents abused drugs and/or alcohol, and still they are of admirable, heroic character. Children that have been physically, sexually, and emotionally abused are some of the most successful people in the world.

Another thing about the drug testing: the Facebook post mentioned that ALL other professions are drug tested so why shouldn't the welfare recipients?

Teachers are not drug tested. I know of a kindergarten teacher who sniffs coke on a regular basis. There is an elementary gym teacher that is a crackhead. I know a few teachers that smoke pot.

I know a lawyer who gets drugs from his welfare clients.

There are MANY, MANY professions out there that do not require drug tests and I don't know who YOU FASCIST TAXPAYERS hang out with, but the people I know that DO smoke the occasional blunt or whatever, and are coming up for a job that tests, those people most certainly find their way around that test whether it be to flush their system, to quit for a minute, or to use someone else's pee. Welfare recipients will do the SAME thing. So Florida and other states that follow suit, will be wasting precious taxpaying dollars on drug tests that will not be effective anyway, when they COULD be spending that money building beautiful playgrounds in our most poverty stricken ghettos....or creating after-school programs that our multi-faceted welfare children will feel comfortable and safe and loved in.

We could spend some of those tax dollars on our farmers too: the worst-paid, most important people in our society.

We could do a lot of things for the CHILDREN with our taxpaying dollars. Making sure that only the rich kid's parents do the drugs and consume massive amounts of alcohol in front of THEIR kids is, to me, just absurd. The many, many children of middle and upper class families I guess, are just going to be shoved under the rug and left to their own devices. Because THEIR parents pay taxes.

To the empathetic taxpayers, thank you. To the fascist taxpayers, go live in a nation that suits your ideals and leave those of us that are trying to be a compassionate nation alone.

Yours truly, a welfare mom who is six credits away from her master's degree and who was raised in a welfare home with three brothers, all of whom are very successful, educated professionals with generous hearts and exceptional minds!

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