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August 23, 2011

Illegal Immigration - Are Authorities Making a Dent in It?

The Democrats and the Obama administration want to keep the flow of non-criminal illegal immigrants into our nation moving forward, and they wish to provide a path to citizenship. It should be obvious why, they want this next generation of voters to come into the United States, procreate, and provide an endless new population of Democrat Voters. Many might say that I am far too cynical, and it's not fair that I make that statement, however if you look at the Democratic Strategy Playbook, they admit it, and it is part of their focus moving forward so they can remain in leadership role of our government for the next few decades.

Now then, does this strategy make sense, you bet it does from a political standpoint, however from an American standpoint, I think it stinks. What we really need to do in this country is to streamline the immigration and integration process so people can become US citizens without having to break the law. There was an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal on August 15, 2011 titled; "Immigration Audits Drive Illegal Workers Underground," by Miriam Jordan.

The article explains the new tact being taken by the immigration department, and how The Border Patrol and US Immigration Service are doing silent raids - the silent raids are much different than the confrontational raids where they roll up unannounced at a business and round up all the workers and check for their IDs, and take the illegal aliens put them in a paddy wagon and cart them off. In a silent raid they come and look at all of the I-9s and make sure that anyone working there is a legal citizen.

They're looking for a paperwork trail, and they also advise the business owner; who is and who is not a legal citizen. The business owner then has to let those employees go who are not actual citizens, and the authorities come back later to make sure that they have done so. The illegal aliens are still in the country, just not able to work. If the business owner hasn't the company is fined, and there can be criminal penalties. Why is the Obama Administration calling these departments to do it that way you ask?

It's simple really because the unions want to prevent competition from companies that do not hire union labor, and may be hiring illegal aliens, giving them the unfair price advantage in the marketplace. This way the Obama Administration and the Democrats can't keep the Hispanic vote, not deal with the real problems, and still get their union organizers to walk precincts and get their vote out. Is this helping, is it making a dent in the illegal immigration and illegal worker programs?

The article suggests that it isn't, and I would submit to you that it is correct. If you drive around your city, you will see people out working who are probably not US citizens, they "maybe" illegal aliens working under the table, but they are doing different kinds of jobs, and there's really no enforcement. Therefore one has to question this entire strategy, and if we are even being true to the laws of our nation. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 24,500 articles by August 24th or 25th will be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..

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