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August 23, 2011

Increase Your Value to Increase Your Income

When you listen to people talking today it is so much different from what you were hearing just a few years ago when the economy was really "going for broke". So many people look back on that time as a time for prosperity when in reality and seriously it was actually "going for broke".

When the economy was looking so great, behind the scenes it really was on unstable ground. The media put everything it could out there to distract the world of what was really happening around the globe.

Do you really think that when everything came crashing down that it was all about the actual moment in which it happened?

It took years for the set up of the big fall. And to think that we bailed out the very culprits that put us there in the first place. Those same culprits are re-positioning them self to take another big "hit" on the American people.

So back to listening to people. Times are hard and people whom were secure and had plenty of work are worried and can see that times are going to get tougher. People are settling for less money for the same type of work because desperation has set in, the future is bleak and work is work.

I always ask people what they are doing about it? They look at me with a blank expression and don't really have an answer when I explain that if they want to increase what they are getting paid they have to increase their value.

I explain to them how things change and we have to be ready to roll with the waves. Take for example Gordon. He went to school to be an electronic type writer repair person, they made big bucks back in the 70's and early 80's.

How many people do you know now who use a type writer now days?

See what I mean, the value of that particular position is worth less than it was before.

If you are in the construction trade and there aren't any houses being built, your position isn't worth as much as it was before.

You just need to face the facts. What are you doing to increase YOUR value?

Look around you, If your closest friends are broke or just barely hanging on you can rest assured that you will be in the same boat as they are. Sometimes we need to improve the quality of the people we hang out with. I don't mean get rid of the old friend, just add some new ones.

So many times you see people doing this, they hang with people who happen to have a high net worth. Have fun and hang, but what do they really learn?

You see I have found that wealthy people are the most generous people on the Earth. I don't mean with their money, although they could be. What I have found is that they are the most generous with information on how to improve one's self, or ideas about things that can be done to improve a person's value.

When they say, "it's lonely at the top" there is a certain amount of seriousness about that statement because it really is.

The thing that a person with a high net worth wants more than anything is other people that they like with a high net worth. And why do they want this more than anything? Because it's lonely at the top.

They want friends that can afford to do the same things that they do, companionship, not someone you need to "host" because they can't afford a 5 star hotel, do you get what I mean?

Find people you know and like that can help you to increase your value, read books, attend personal development classes, go back to school. That is the only way to increase your value.

Keep an open mind because when you ride the wave of the economy and the times you need to be prepared to make a quick change of direction or you may crash.

Don't stay on the same wave if it looks like it is going to "peter out", look for new territory where you may already have skills that you just need to transfer.

Anyone can do it, Gordon went from repairing type writers to creating a building company that did better than 10 million a year in sales, the two had nothing to do with each other but Gordon saw the wave was going to "peter out" and did something about it.

You can too.

Did I say building, can you imagine that after 30 years and time to retire the "down turn" in housing comes along and takes the retirement. first the typewriters and then the housing. We knew what to do.

Once again, we transferred our skills into something completely different. We started a completely different business that has gained back the retirement that was lost AND we are having more fun than we ever had in our lives.

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